What Toni Costa thinks of Luis Fonsi, the ex of Adamari López

What's up Toni Costa by Luis Fonsi, the ex of Adamari López

Toni Costa, Adamari López and his wife. (Photo: Toni Costa-Instagram)

The famous bailiff Toni Costa gave an interview to the television conductor Lourdes Stephen on Thursday about his relationship with Adamari López and the past of the Puerto Rican affair with Luis Fonsi.

I had a very honest and frontal manner about the relationship that had been going on for some time before he had initiated a marriage with her. Hablamos of his sonado matrimonio and polemic divorce with the singer Luis Fonsi.

“As I know the time of God is perfect. If Adamari dio the step of abrir newly on his cormón conmigo, quiere decide that staba prepared. The one who cares about his past imagines that the help will be more powerful… is not my point… When you have a new pair of your experiences you have to go all the way in a different way ”, he made his sincere remarks.

What happened between Luis Fonsi and Admari López also ensured that “he does not have much to say because he is alive”. “Knowing history and being, well done, both have fanatics. One step at a time for signaling, but he always intended to maintain the margin, ”said Toni.

“He has always tried not to enter into it because the world has no part in it. Yo tengo mi corazón, estoy bien con mi familia y con lo que tengo en casa y lo otro, pues es parte de estar en el medio… que te senalen, que te digan, que te insulten… ”, añadió al tiempo que dijo que is able to defend to his family hasta “las uñas” of the attacks.

Adamari and Toni Costa join the reality show Mira quién baila. Ambos will be playing in the program in 2011 to compete in the field and will end up losing love.

As the best experiences of life, the love affair between this surgeon of surprising and accidental manner, as the account of Toni Costa’s in a recent interview that competed with the Shirley program.

“Creo que ocurrió a raisz del tango que bailamos, la production me dice a mi a escondidas que le de un beso a Adamari al final del baile, eso un staba preparad”, detalló el bailarín español de 37 años.

“I have the confidence of a week to have a relationship with her, before I start bailing out the day, Adamari, mira, the production has told me that there is nothing I can do but that I have to say that I want to talk to someone. beso to the end of the tango, I respect you, I do not think that I think I am approving (…) ”, says Toni. With the fact that Adamari was stunned, alleging that she was an actress and that she was acting only on a show.

If only he had an act, then he had the basics of his love. “Asi fue, yo creo que eso dio un pie a algo ()) a rais de ahí, yo la buscaba un poquito más”, reconoció Toni.

Between Adamari López and Toni Costa he has a difference of 12 years, and she is 49 and he is 37. Without embarrassment, he has no problem in his relationship.
