What to know about COVID-19 vaccines in Santa Clara County

The hope of stopping the tide of the coronavirus pandemic has finally arrived.

People around the world are rolling up their sleeves to receive the first doses of the newly approved COVID-19 vaccines. The medicine comes at a serious moment, with the epidemic raging in the country, the state and the country, causing record numbers of deaths.

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about vaccines.

If you have been previously diagnosed with COVID-19, do you still need the vaccine?

Yes. Health officials recommend that you get it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is unclear how long COVID-19 naturally acquired immunity. Health experts believe that the vaccines provide longer protection.

Can your COVID-19 spread asymptomatically if you are vaccinated?

Researchers do not know this yet. If a COVID-19 vaccine only causes disease, those who receive it can still become infected and unknowingly spread the virus, according to an UCLA Health article.

In other words, even if you got the vaccine, you can carry and transmit the virus without suffering or showing any signs of illness.

Can we throw away our masks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

No. Health experts recommend that you still wear a mask and take social distance, regardless of whether you received the vaccine to prevent possible asymptomatic transmission of the disease.

Researchers do not yet know if the vaccine prevents infection and disease and recommend that they follow local and federal health guidelines to contain the spread of COVID-19.

How long will the immunity against the vaccine take effect?

According to the CDC, it usually takes a few weeks to build up full immunity after the first vaccination.

Can you get COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine?

Yes. During the first few weeks after vaccination, while your immunity is still building, you may be at risk if you come into contact with the virus in nature, the CDC says.

What are the effects of vaccines between the first and second dose?

The first shot helps your body recognize the virus, and the second shot helps boost its ability to fight an infection, according to GoodRx.

People should get a boost shot for the Pfizer vaccine three weeks after the first dose. The Moderna vaccine is needed four weeks after the first dose.

Where can I get the vaccine?

The vaccine is available to those who are eligible at health centers and clinics in the country. One vaccination clinic has already been set up at the Santa Clara County Fair.

Under the province’s vaccine distribution plan, more than 20 healthcare providers in its jurisdiction will supply vaccines, including Stanford Health Care and Kaiser Permanente.

Will my age affect when I can get the vaccine?

Yes. If a health care provider does not have enough doses to vaccinate all employees who are dangerous, California health officials recommend prioritizing older people. then go to those 55 to 64, before vaccinating those younger than 55.

Because of the way health officials prioritize doses, children are unlikely to receive vaccinations during the first phase of distribution, provincial officials said in early December.

What does it cost to get the vaccine?

Vaccinations are free, but are only available to those who are eligible.

When can I expect to get vaccinated?

The general public may have access to the vaccine by the spring or summer of 2021. As of December 29, vaccines are only available to health care workers at acute care centers and COVID-19 units.

Are you asking about COVID-19 vaccines? Email [email protected] and we will get the answer.

Contact Mauricio La Plante by [email protected] or follow @mslaplantenews on Twitter.
