What the suppression of the protest of farmers says about the future of democracy in India

The farmers’ protests in India have already become ugly – and then worldwide celebrities like Rihanna and Greta Thunberg step in.

In this week’s episode of Worlds, Vox’s foreign affairs podcast, co-presenters Zack Beauchamp, Jennifer Williams and Alex Ward explain why thousands of Indian farmers have spent months protesting the recent agricultural reform laws passed by the government.

They touch on why Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pushed the reforms so fiercely, the legal policy debate at the heart of it all, and how the common online reaction to Rihanna and Thunberg’s statements in support of farmers from pro-Modi trolls shows the rot . the core of India’s democracy.

Hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers and their supporters have been occupying major roads around the capital, New Delhi, since November in protest of the agricultural reform laws.

Under the new policy, introduced by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Indian farmers have to sell goods and make contracts with independent buyers outside the government-approved markets, which has long been the primary place for farmers to do business.

Modi and members of his party say the reforms are needed to help India modernize and improve its farming, which will mean greater freedom and prosperity for farmers. But the farmers, who are afraid that they will share in the mercy of the big businesses, remain unconvincing.

The government of Modi offered to keep the laws for 18 months, but the farmers refused and demanded that the laws be repealed in full to end their right.

After an 11th round of talks between the farmers and the government failed, the farmers’ unions decided on India’s Republic Day to march to the capital with a tractor march, commemorating the signing of the Indian constitution. Miscommunication led to violent confrontation with the police, who used tear gas and batons to try to stop it.

Hundreds of police officers were injured. A farmer was also crushed when his tractor was one of the many vehicles overturned in the violence.

Then Rihanna posted a February 2 tweet over the Indian government closed the internet access to squash debate over Republic Day violence. And hell broke loose.

The singer’s tweet angered the Indian government, who responded that foreign celebrities should know the facts before weighing Indian affairs. This paved the way for even more vitriols, with online supporters of Modi’s right-wing nationalist government and one of Bollywood’s most famous actresses, Kangana Ranaut, spitting out on Twitter and in the media with nasty personal attacks on Rihanna, many of whom are racist and sexist.

The ugly reaction to celebrities asking legitimate questions about dealing with farmers and suppressing farmers ’freedoms shows how deep the divisions are within Indian society.

To hear more about what led to widespread peasant protests in India, how the protests turned violent, and what the government’s hardship tactic to say is the disagreement over the future of India under Modi, listen Worlds below.

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