what the receivers are – Telemundo New York (47)

The CDC and the FDA have recommended an immediate break in the use of the vaccine against Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 debit to the frequent secondary effects, including the coagulation of the blood.

More than 6.8 million people received the J&J vaccine in the United States and, as a result, only six people received an extra coagulation condition.

This is what the FDA says the CDC should do:

J&J workspace for consumers

The people who received the J&J vaccine and who developed intense cabbage pain, abdominal pain, pain in the pains or difficulty in breathing between the three posterior weeks of the evacuation should communicate with their medical attention provider.

J&J’s room for doctors

Call medical attention providers to notify adverts of the vacancy notifications system at https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html

The FDA and CDC approve this additional ad:
“The treatment of this specific type of blood coagulation differs from the treatment which is normally administered. For general use, heparin anticoagulant drug is used to treat blood clots. In this context, administration is apply alternative treatments. “

What is causing this coagulation?

Todavía does not know why these extravagant sangria are produced in some patients who receive the J&J vaccine. The six people who experimented with it were killed between 18 and 48 years ago, by the FDA and the CDC. Tenian lo llama thrombosis of the venous cerebral vein, or CVST, as well as low plaque levels in blood.

Hasta now, the preoccupation with the strange songbirds is centered in the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has not yet received authorization in the EU. which is produced at the same time. with beautiful plaques, one that will appear more in person more young people.

The J&J and AstraZeneca cars are manufactured using the same technology. The difference between the Pfizer and Modern vacancies, which train the body to recognize the protein point that recovers the outer surface of the coronavirus, the J&J and AstraZeneca vacancies use a free virus, called adenovirus, to deliver the corpus callosum. J&J uses human adenovirus to create its vaccine, while AstraZeneca uses a chimpanzee version.
