What is thrombosis, the strange secondary effect of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Although the federal authorities recommend that March “pause” the administration of the vaccine against the coronavirus of Johnson & Johnson, the persons who receive the dose developed by this pharmaceutical company should be advised. Pero the maximum expert in virology of the United States pidio that not the panic.

“It’s less than a million,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s expert on infected infections.

United States has administered 6.85 million doses of the J&J vaccine and has only reported six cases, one of which was fatal.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will host the martyrs, which are investigating detected thrombi in their women undergoing Johnson & Johnson dosing.

The thrombi generate a thrombosis-denominated condition, which is the unusual presence of blood clots.

A thrombosis occurs in veins that drain the blood of the brain and with low levels of plaques. His cases led to the death of women between the ages of 18 and 48, one of the failures. The six are presented between six and 13 days after the inoculation.

Doctor Kate O’Brien, head of the OMS Department of Immunization and Vacancies, said that these cases are “very unusual”.

“For the sake of public safety, I believe that the committee will find an association between these incidents and the vacancy, in any case its very unfortunate incidents,” said O’Brien at a press conference.

With Associated Press information

The persons who received the vaccine against covid-19 of Johnson & Johnson are encroached upon by those with possible secondary effects, while living because they are protected against coronavirus.
