What is the subjective good and how will it change depending on the time passed?

Mujer sentada frente a una laptop

How long does it take to get to work or not?

The covid-19 pandemic introduced a series of new behaviors in daily routines, such as physical distance, the use of mascarillas and the disinfection of man. So many, many antiquated behaviors, like assisting with events, getting to know each other and dealing with friends, have been suspended.

Without embarrassment, an old behavior that persisted, and possibly amplified debt to covid-19, has been sent, and no one is surprised by what.

It is that one was sent during the transport, the work, the time before the pants or including during the meetings, the entoros and the activities of the day were adapted only to be sent during the long time.

As a result, sedentary behaviors, as seen, constitute the mayor’s part of the day for many people.

It is probable that the current rate of sedentary life is the same as the mayor who anticipated the pandemic as a result of the quarantine orders in the house, the restrictions in the shops and the recreational installations, and the increased preoccupations with health.

Hello teen bienestar

This situation is a problem, given that the excessive levels of sedentarism are related to a mayor risking diabetes, cardiac diseases, mortality and including some cancers.

Man sitting with a laptop on a sofa

Do you think that you can reduce the amount of time you spend working?

Without embarrassment, for many people, their juices and feelings about their quality of life (also known as subjective well-being) can be more important and relevant to take decisions and adopt health measures that the possibility of developing chronic illness.

The subjective well-being abarca the property evaluation of an individual of his quality of life.

Includes concepts such as affect (positive and negative sentiments) and satisfaction with life.

Curiously, these evaluations can come into conflict with the results of physical health.

For example, a person can report diabetes to someone as well as report a subject altogether, while some health problems can report a subject subject to poverty.

It’s important, it means that the form in which a person is with respect to his own health will always be in line with what his body can demonstrate. Therefore, evaluating the subjective asset is vital for painting a holistic image of health.

Different contexts in which we are sent

Relatively few investigations have examined the relationship between sedentary behaviors and subjective well-being.

Explore this relationship is important, yes different contexts in what one ison sentado – como socializar timeless front to one pantalla—, can generate different feelings or juices of subjective well-being, differs from the relationships between physical health and sedentary behavior, which tend to be more consistent.

Mujer sentada leyendo

No time at all can make a negative impact on the perception of well-being.

As psychologists of central health in physical activity and sedentary behavior, we review the scientific literature that describes the relationships between the means of sedentary behavior — as the physical inactivity and the time leading up to the pants — and the need for , satisfaction with life and being subjective in general.

Our overhaul of these three main halls. First, sedentary behavior, physical inactivity, and time leading to the demonstration of debilitating correlations with statistically significant benefits to the subjective being.

In other words, those who dijeron stay with more frequency and pass more long periods without physical activity reportaron a minor positive effect, a mayor affected negatively and a minor satisfaction with the life that water is felt and is moving more.

We also find that this relationship is more evident in studies that compare it to very sedentary people with those who have many more active styles.

Always feel bad

Our second main hall is related to the context of sedentary behavior.

If many studies examine sedentary behavior in general and physical inactivation, other investigations will analyze specific contexts in which a time has passed and their relationship with the subject will be good.

A woman sitting on the sole touching an instrument

Some activities, even the most accomplished ones, as well as a tool, can positively influence the sense of well-being.

These studies reveal that the different contexts of sedentary behavior have unique relationships with the subjective being.

For example, time tends to be a constant and negative way of associating with the subjective being.

Prohibition of probes, contexts like socialize, apply a tool and learn in reality demonstrate positive associations with the subjective well-being.

These results differ from the traditional investigation regarding sedentary behavior related to health, in which all sedentary importation is considered perjury.

Our revision suggests that some types of sedentary behavior can be benefited by the quality of life.

More well, not all the contexts in which one sees oneself are equal in terms of subjective well-being.

For this reason, when people are trying to reduce the time it takes to pass, they should not only consider reducing the amount, but also reducing the type of sedentary time.

Time is running out and it’s better

Our third main hallmark is to be referred to in general and the levels of self-serving sedentary behavior.

Two women with mascara sentada in a bank in a park.

¿Prefieres conversar sentado o baminando?

The Mayor of the studios found a debilitating and statistically significant association between a mayor in a sedentary time in general and a minor estate subject.

It is embarrassing, in studies in which participants are trusted to compare their sedentary behavior with the amount of time that normally passes, those that are perceived as more sedentary by the habitual reporter have a significantly more substantial benefit.

These hallazgos suggest that the time of occurrence that any time sent in general can not be as important for itself as the comparison between time and time sent and the habitual level of sedentarism.

If you wish that any person, regardless of the amount of time that is normally due to physical activity, could potentially benefit from lowering them.

Covid-19 continues to influence life and daily routines. Including when the shops and gyms finally opened, and our most comfortable meetings with other people and, finally, we used mascarillas, we are sure to continue sentándonos y the center follow up la shape in which we feel.

Well, it is possible that we will eliminate all the time that we are sent, all we will be aware of how much we can reduce and where we can reduce in order to be more salutary and better off.

* Wuyou Sui is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Conductual Medicine Laboratory of the Ejercicien School of Science, University of Victoria, Canada

* Harry Prapavessis is Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Western Canada.

* This article was originally published in Engels in The Conversation y puedes leerlo here.

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