What is the subjective good and how will it change depending on the time passed?

  • Wuyou Sui and Harry Prapavessis
  • The conversation *

Mujer sentada frente a una laptop

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How long does it take to get to work or not?

The covid-19 pandemic introduced a series of new behaviors in daily routines, such as physical distance, the use of mascarillas and the disinfection of man. So many, many antiquated behaviors, like assisting with events, getting to know each other and dealing with friends, have been suspended.

Without embarrassment, an old behavior that persisted, and possibly amplified debt to covid-19, has been sent, and no one is surprised by what.

It is that one was sent during the transport, the work, the time before the pants or including during the meetings, the entoros and the activities of the day were adapted only to be sent during the long time.

As a result, sedentary behaviors, as seen, constitute the mayor’s part of the day for many people.
