What is the positive thing about a covier-19 after 8 days of being vaccinated? | Univision Health News

The Monday Pass informed that a city of San Diego, California, was positively affected by covid-19 after haberse vacunado.

Según report – the San Diego branch of the ABC cadena, the man, identified only as Matthew W., 45 years old, received the Pzifer / BioNTech formula on December 18th. The act was posted on his Facebook account, but he said he only felt molested during the brawl throughout the day.

One day later, the nurse, working in hospitals during the emergency room, started experimenting sins like escalation and intense pain.

On the next day of Navidad, Matthew assisted the hospital in making the covid-19 test, which result – positive.

Matthew’s experience generates an important question: How is it that you have been vaccinated against the virus?

The explanation

Roselyn Lemus-Martin, doctor of molecular biology at the University of Oxford, stated in Univision News that he is vacant “do not avoid covid-19 nurses”.

“Even though I was evacuated, the virus will enter and enter my body. What is happening is that if I am going to be locked up, we are going to be able to walk indiscriminately, but vamos’ n tener una enfermedad menos graf”, Sostuvo.

Lemus-Martin recorded that the effect of the vaccine was not reported. The thoughtful people: I am vacated and automatically protected. No. Then there is a time when it is time to produce the immune response”.

Agreeing with the expert, up to 10 to 12 days will prevent the actual response, “in those days there is to be practically unprotected. Después de la segunda dosis ya lo estaré ”.

“The first dose should be taken as needed a scent for protection. However, when you take the second dose, you are using the second dose, in order to live up to a much higher percentage of protection, ”said the specialist in vacancies.

Lemus-Martin also signaled that the nurse Matthew could have been involved antes de recibir la vacuna. The incubation period is 15 days. If this person is infected before the vaccination takes place together with the evacuation period, then the patient will be discharged from the evacuation ”.

“El mismo, CEO of Pfizer, is not needed to do that. Todavía is going to be able to be asymptomatic ”, indicates the doctor respect to the conscience of that quienes ya estan con las dos dosis geen transmiten el virus.

While on duty, nurse Matthew insures on the ABC television channel that he is poor, but he feels better when he takes the peak of sins during the day of Christmas.

