What is the Mediterranean diet?

Properly boosting your runs and recovery is an important way to increase your performance. But every runner has different nutritional needs, so it may take some experimentation to find the diet method that suits you.

One suggestion that is often considered a universal way to eat healthier is the Mediterranean diet. Recently, the Mediterranean diet was the first place for the best overall diet of 2021 US news and world report.

But is this diet the best for everyone, and can it help your running performance? We typed Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, Culinary and Integrative Dietitian, and Lori Russell MS, RD, CSSD, CPT to find out.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is not really a ‘diet’ that you try for a short while to achieve health goals in the short term. Instead, it is meant to be a lifestyle change of your eating habits.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no Mediterranean diet. This way of eating includes the food of the Mediterranean region, for example countries from Spain to Greece to Tunisia, ”says Moore.

The lifestyle also includes a moderate intake of wine and lots of physical activity, Moore says.

Why is the Mediterranean diet considered so healthy?


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There have been many studies on the Mediterranean diet showing that it can have a positive effect on heart health, brain health and aging. Eating like this is associated with the improvement of hearing loss and depression, and it can help you get faster. It also helps improve diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes, Russell says.

“There are many reasons that can explain this, including high-fiber and antioxidants from abundant fruits and vegetables, the omega-3s of seafood and good fats from nuts, seeds and olive oil,” says Moore.

On top of that, it is flexible. You can start with familiar foods that you already have on hand, such as pasta, and add vegetables, legumes (like chickpeas) and more.

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What foods can you eat on the Mediterranean diet?

Moore encourages her customers to add a variety of healthy foods. And the basic concept of the diet is to limit heavily processed foods, especially those that are high in meat, refined grains and alcohol, Russell says.

For those who want to start the Mediterranean diet or eat healthier, Moore suggests adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet – and it can be fresh or frozen, no matter what you have access to. Then try different types of seafood; Sardines, for example, are cheap and full of omega-3 fats. If it does not suit your taste preferences, you can try salmon.

Try dates with almond-filled dates for an energetic, sweet and crunchy snack, Moore says. The crunchy almonds provide a dose of good fats plus plant protein and fiber for lasting energy – two keys to a satisfying snack.

How can runners benefit from this diet?

This way of eating provides for many carbohydrates in the diet of a runner, which requires fast-burning athletes. It’s also accessible and flavorful, and there are no calorie restrictions, Moore says.

“The boost to heart health and the cardiovascular system as a whole is the biggest benefit for athletes,” says Russell.

One study found that adhering to this way of eating improved 5K times in the short term compared to eating a standard Western diet. The high amount of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants obtained from eating the Mediterranean way can also increase a person’s endurance and ability to stay mentally strong, Russell says. The high antioxidant content can also be beneficial for quick recovery.

Does this diet work for everyone?

Those with rare metabolic diseases or epilepsy may benefit more from a different therapeutic diet, Russell says. For most anyone else, it is appropriate to eat in a Mediterranean way as it is flexible and can be adapted to fit into any diet style including diet, gluten free or dairy free diet.

And while it is a very flexible option, each person needs to evaluate whether it best fits their lifestyle, energy and nutritional needs, says Moore.

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