What is the actual demographics of coronavirus vaccines? Officials say it is troublesome voice of OC

While Orange County’s Latino community has so far received only 11% of the coronavirus vaccines, provincial officials said the true number and demographics of people vaccinated are pretty up in the air at this point.

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At the public meeting of OC Supervisors on Tuesday, Supervisor Don Wagner asked questions about a Voice of OC article published yesterday, which showed that San Diego County had been vaccinated at about twice the rate as OC.

According to Orange County’s vaccine detection, about 242,000 people out of the approximately 3.2 million residents received at least one dose of the two-part vaccine – about 7.5% of the country’s population. A total of 288,000 shots were fired.

OC’s tracker is updated weekly and was updated last Thursday.

San Diego County Vaccine Detection, which is updated daily, does not provide information on how many residents the province has vaccinated out of the approximately 3.3 million people living there, but it does state that approximately 14.1% of the province’s population has at least one of the 503,000 shots received.

Director and health officer of the OC health care, dr. Clayton Chau, said that the rate of Orange County is higher after a recent influx of vaccinations.

“About a week ago on Sunday, there were more than 300,000 people in Orange County who received the vaccine,” Chau told Wagner. “More than 10%, for sure.”

Wagner said he wants to clarify the vaccine data in public to avoid confusion.

‘Why are we under San Diego? What can we do to fix it? Or is it just a matter of resources? He said.

Chau said San Diego County has more health workers than OC, which initially preloaded vaccine numbers.

That began to change after state guidelines extended the vaccinations to everyone 65 years and older, he said.
