What is dedicated to Chinese in the country

Santo Domingo, RD.

Remember that for the year 2020, About 50% of Chinese migrants are occupied by shopkeepers en República Dominicana, 36% of the private sector.

The Dominican Center for Chinese Studies’ Study on China (Cendoesch) states that 14% of migrants from the People’s Republic of China are dedicated to a variety of activities as culinary arts, engineering, teaching and medicine.

El study conducted by Diana Tejada and Joel Méndez indicates that the trading volume has the most impact on Chinese migration, increasing it to 90.18% of Chinese manpower; while services (differences in trade) and industries were employed at 3.21% and 2% of China’s demand.

Puntualiza 71.48% of its population in the country is composed of Chinese dogs with editions between 20 and 49 years old. According to data from the Central Electoral Union (JCE), 79.9% of Chinese migration is located in the metropolitan area, 47.94% in the National District and 31.96% in the province of Santo Domingo.

Elías Piña, San Juan and Pedernales are the only ones that have no destination for the Chinese people.
