What happened to Giovanni Medina and Alan Tacher during the interview in Despierta América | View Despierta America

After searching for the suede, Despierta America contacted the “El Bombón Asesino” episode to get a reply. This Friday, February 19, Giovanni Medina attended a virtual interview from Tulum, Mexico, in the spring, Alan Tacher gave me an explanation by haberlo insulted publicly to talk live with his ex couple.

También quiso saber por qué el Mexican empresario lo acusó a él y al equipo de Despierta América de ‘paleros’ (expression used to call people ‘ayudan o estafan a otros’), siendo que en show he le dado carta abierta para dar to know his version on multiple occasions and record the times he has canceled last minute interviews.

Respect for it, Medina did not provide a response, but made sure, in part, referring to the latest interview that he gave on the show on Thursday, in particular, Alan Tacher approved a fall in the audio for “make the valence” and some manera ponerlo en su lugar.

Giovanni Medina confirms that the “cobarde” is due to be in front of Ninel Conde on the question about the legal situation of his current wife Larry Ramos and the lack of empathy and sensitivity of the artist haci the superstitions of his couple. Do not make the questions that you consider the public should know, impute to conduct “periodismo rancio”.

Alan Tacher recalls that his profession is not periodism and has been a television presenter for more than 30 years and has questioned the motive behind the recent insult to Raúl González on social media. Giovanni Medina argued that he made frontal messages and defended the comments he made to make him feel guilty.

Alan Tacher demonstrates Giovanni Medina’s “las amenazas” to another conductor of Despierta América

During the confrontation, Alan Tacher raised the question of who in each of Larry Ramos’ interviews with the lawyer about the legal battle he had committed with Ninel Conde through the custody of his wife. With respect, responding that the actress’ new job has a historical crime and can be tested with audios who has friends in those who superstitiously lance against them.


Throughout the interview, Ninel Conde participated in the Sin Rollo segment, revealing that what happened between Alan Tacher and Giovanni Medina is just an example of what you want to do during 6 years of relationship. Además, le pidió una disculpa al mexican conductor par “el mal momento” vivió durante la videollamada con su ex. For its part, the representative of Despierta América lamented that Medina had responded with “complaints, allegations and insults”.

“Por eso no estoy ahí”: Ninel Conde reacts to Alan Tacher’s interview with his ex Giovanni Medina
