What happened to GameStop’s actions in Robinhood? The app suspends operations with actions | Univision Diner News

Robinhood, built with the number of the legendary heroic figure of the heroic forajido that in the medieval times robbed the rich to give to the poor, had been found five years ago part of a move to open the door of the value markets to the reverse investors. With monkeys a small deposit effectively allows access impossible haas ese entrance.

Some traditional investors have expressed their preoccupation with Robinhood and other platforms to operate in the ballot box an azar game culture for people without experience or commercial acquaintances row pueden poner en riesgo sus ahorros.

Others have compared Robinhood’s rise to the most powerful anti-elite populist that exists in the United States, as the movement Occupied Wall St. and also personified by the style of Donald Trump’s presidency. “A lot of these merchants, frankly, no les importa si ganan o pierden dinero. I have a lot of animosity against Wall Street ”, said CNN’s William LeGate, founder and CEO of the PredIQt cryptocurrency platform.

With this rabies in contrast to that which represents the traditional market and has recently stimulated the actions of the companies to the ones that have bathed the dedo ese establishment the Wall Street: the GameStop and the AMC theaters, Nokia, BlackBerry and Bed Bath & Beyond. A review by a peer-to-peer operator of a hilo on the online platform Reddit called WallStreetBets.

GameStop, owned in Texas, has 5,000 tents in 10 countries, mostly in the United States, but has had problems generating games in the last few years since virtual game sales began online.

El frenesí comercial nació porque fondos de cobertura (‘verschansingsfondse’, in English) het ‘n apostado fuertemente a una caída de las acciones de GameStop. The hiccup with a controversial strategy known as a “short sale”, which is mainly looking for a solution to a problem in the value of actions.

The mass of Reddit operators accuse these funds of covering “ethical” practices designed to destroy the popular video game business and eliminate job losses.

From Robinhood we can increase the price of GameStop shares by the clouds: 1,500%, from $ 19 to $ 460 per share. It generates huge amounts of money in some areas of cobalting, which is how it is carried out on its own by the fact that these stocks are priced.

La app has been criticized in the midst of criticisms of limiting transactions with these and other actions. Encouraged users to accuse him of abandoning his mission to “democratize” the market, from which Washington legislators support his criticisms and the EU Securities and Exchange Commission warns that it has in its mirror.

We have explained how this story has evolved into prophecies and prophecies:

