What happened to D’Alessandro? With pin ‘anciano’ file by Nacional

Montevideo, Uruguay /

Do you agree with Andrés D’Alessandro? We do not want to ask for help if you want to join this Argentine player, we hope we do not have “maltreated” tan as he, then at the age of 39 he announced that he would play with the Nacional de Montevideo, but what also causes revival is in its aspect.

Alessandro played all the sails, who made his sports debut in 2000 with River Plate; from then on, the second pass through Europe with the German Wolfsburg, the English Portsmouth and the Spanish Zaragoza, for then fly to his native Argentina with San Lorenzo and from the 2008 military at the Internacional de Porto Alegre in Brazil.

Asi de viejo se ve Andrés D’Alessandro

“Now, history must follow. It’s time to turn the page and find my new challenge. Op 2021 will be player of the National Football Club“, is part of the mediocre veteran’s message with the announcement of his arrival in Uruguay, but imagen avejentada provoked various comments on social media.

In its dilatada trayectoria, D’Alessandro won the Medallion of Gold in the football of los Olympic Games 2004, where he shared with players like Carlos Tévez, Lucho González, Javier Mascherano, Javier Saviola, Gabriel Heinze and Chelito Delgado.
