What happened in January 2021? Segundo accusation of Trump, violencia en el Capitolio, coronavirus pandemia | News Univision Politica

Tras un complicado año 2020, signed by la coronavirus pandemic that practically all aspects of life in the world are entering, millions of people are experiencing a sensation of life in the night of New Year.

Throughout December, social speeches will be published by memes aludiendo a lo vertiginoso y retador que el año había sido, de phrases like “Adiós 2020, el peor año de la historia”, y hasta un mockumentary of Netflix, Death to 2020, reflects the accumulation of successes of a year that will be much harder to overcome.

Politically, 2020 is a year for the United States and there is also a re-election campaign in which there are chambers playing in the Congress and the White House in an extreme polarization climate.

The 2020 commencement with a political trial now President Trump, by its pretexts in Ukraine for announcing investigations into a political rival, are moving towards an aggressive campaign in which the Republican has two stages of pandemic negotiation and organizing massive events, including the risks of contagion, and ending with a of alleged misinformation by the President of the European Union about an electoral fraud that does not exist.

For this reason, many people say that the new year is ‘better’ than its predecessor.

This is a letter written about the events that will mark the beginning of March, a month that will, for many, be worthy of being 2020.

