What does Cabecita Rodríguez say about Oscar Macías? Ventilate your advertising

Mexico City /

Oscar Macías, arbitrator who directs the meeting between Cruz Azul y Toluca of Jornada 7, rescinded his culpability in the action that prevented him from being the second goal of Jonathan Rodríguez, so thank you for watching a video of TUDN.

At minute 35, Rome returned the sphere to the post and el rebote le llegó al Cabecita, quien sin pensarlo le pegó, pero Stage appearance on stage to avoid the act, such as molesto in Uruguay, which the reproach or intervention.

Macías señaló que the pelota “iba para afuera”, lo lo Cabecita señaló que no era asi and que tenía dirección de gol. “¿Estás loco, comó va afuera? ¡Va a gol! ”, signaled the delantero.

Having not seen the silhouette, the Máquina was able to score 3-0 and scored a most easy victory. The final victory of 3-2, but a furious reaction from the Devils.
