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A regular physical activity routine, combined with a diet that includes fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods, can be the key to the median adults and alcancen an optimal cardiometabolic balance in the future, following a new investigation using data from Estudio del Corazón de Framingham published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, magazine of the American Association of the Corazon, conede in Dallas (United States).

One of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular health is the metabolic syndrome, a combination of tranquilizers composed by the excess of grass around the belt, insulin resistance and arterial hypertension. Hecho, the presence of metabolic syndrome can increase the risk of developing cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular accidents and type 2 diabetes.

Asi, the sanitary authorities recommend that adults realize at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week, how to walk or walk. For another store, dietary guidelines, which will be updated in the year 2021, offer suggestions for healthy eating patterns, nutritional goals and dietary limits.

A studio of 70 years

In an analysis of the dates of the participants in the Estudio del Corazón de Framingham, that there are 70 years of Framingham (Massachusetts, EUU), investigators will examine the dates of 2,379 adult adults from 18 years and in addition to the two directors, both physics and dietetics.

Thus, we observe that the compliment of the two recommendations during the median eda is associated with decreases the likelihood of having a metabolic syndrome and will prevent graft infections a medida que los participants envejecían en su tercera edad.

“Health professionals can use these tips to promote and empathize more with their patients.” the benefits of a healthy diet and a regular exercise program to avoid the chronic number of conditions of chronic health in the present and in the posterior life “, said the author of the studio, Vanessa Xanthakis.” “How many people realize these people are changing in their style of life, more likely than not to reduce their risk of becoming associated with the most advanced cardiovascular system”, added.

Necessary objectives

The participants in the study were selected from the third generation of Estudio del Corazón de Framingham. These, together with the edad media of 47 years and with the percentage the mujeres of 54%, were examined between 2008 and 2011. The investigators evaluated the physical activity by means of a specialized device known as an omnidirectional accelerometer.

The device, which has a continuum of sedentarism and physical activity, is located within the framework of the participant during these days. The investigators also retrieves dietary information through dietary frequency questioners to include the types and levels of foods and nutrients consumed.

Here are the things, the investigators observe that, between all the participants, 28% complete the recommendations of the physical activity directories as well as the dieticians, while 47% say they only recommend one of the directors.

Cardiovascular risk

Asimismo, the investigators also reported that the participants who received only the recommendations of physical activity had a 51% lower probability of having metabolic syndrome, while the participants who followed only the tenant dieters and teenagers said unequivocally a 65% lower probability of developing metabolic syndrome.

“Cabe destacar que we observe a dose-response association of dietary and physical activity directives with the risk of padding more cardiometabolic diseases in the life “, ha affirmed Xanthakis.” Participants who complete physical activity may have a progressively lower risk of cardiometabolic disorder while increasing it.

However, all participants in the study were white adults, so that the results could not be generalized to persons of other racial or ethnic groups. “Additional studies are needed with a sample of multi-ethnic participants”, he complained to the investigators.
