What do you think of the “milagrosas” cats that Maduro will kill after covid-19?

In the final of the year, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, presents a pharma called Carvativir which will “neutralize 100%” the covid-19 and calipo like “milagroso”, by its most effective in combating the virus against SARS-COV -2.

And yet, posteriorly and very critically, it was just that there was a “complementary” drug to treat the coronavirus, not to be published in the pharmacy diary, converted into a filon, at least, politically, in the hope of confirming it also in clinical clinic.

In the weeks since, it has been announced that the studios that respond to this pharmacy, which the Gobierno -informo- is producing in massive form, are not known.

What does Carvativir mean?


According to the Maduro proposition, the Carvativir is an antiviral amplitude spectrum of the tumor, a genus with more than 300 species of grasses.

The essential plant of this plant is the prime material of Carvativir means a phytochemical compound known as isotimol, a substance that the athletes use for their supuesta capacity -no compound- to eliminate fatiga spirierd.

The vehicle or vehicle of the Carvativir is the choice, an organic compost that presents with commercial finishes derived from tiburon hygiene, as well as vegetable fuels such as arroz salvage, trigeminal fluid or acetone.

The drug is used as an adjunct in vacancies – as in the case of the flu – because it estimates the immunological system.

It is said that Carvativir is the sum of substances that is known and that the pharmaceutical industry is exploiting commercial fines since then.


As the main investigators of Carvativir figuran the Venezuelans Raúl Ojeda Rondón and Jheam Frank Campos, the societies and directors of the lab Labfarven and the Drugstore JR, empresses the ones who are known.

In an interview with the local media El Nacional, Ojeda Rondón said that the Carvativir was produced by “a line of scientific research of the Venezuelan State through the Ministry of Science and Technology” between March and December.

In addition, it forms the team of investigators of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Investigations (IVIC), the National Institute of Hygiene Rafael Rangel, the National Service of Medical and Scientific Forensics, and the Ministry of Health.

This group is conducting a three-stage research process called “multicentric, random and placebo”, overseen by an integrated bioethics committee of 14 experts in various fields.


The Gobierno ensures that the pharmacy is supported by a 9-month study that advances various institutions that depend on the State, between them the IVIC.

This study was not presented in an official manner, but Maduro promised to do more in a week that would be published “in the next few days”, as well as soliciting the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS).

Without embarrassment, on the Scribd platform -which refuses to allocate documents- has a loaded information by Raúl Ojeda Rondón and titled “antiviral activity and immunomodulator of the isotimol compound combined against the agent SARS-COV-2”, a summary of the species el Carvativir.

The Executive also said that part of the study was completed in various external laboratories, which analyzed samples without knowing what was being done, among them, the laboratory of the clinical clinic Mayo, according to the Minister of Science and Technology of Venezuela, Gabriela Jiménez.

The Administration ensures that these studios are produced in vitro and then with a group of live, moderate and severe patients. As part of these, they apply the goths, while others, a placebo.

The investigator Ojeda Rondón signaled that an in vitro demonstration that the Carvativir inhibits the formation of viruses.


El Carvativir, presented as “milagroso”, was rebuffed by the dioceses when it was “complementary” to the Maduro proposition, which accepted that its initial words were “tremendous controversy”.

The manpower force of chavismo and deputation Diosdado Cabello, who had overtaken the covid-19 while needing intensive care, also defended the efficacy of the pharmacy, which insured us during his treatment.

“Tómese las gothicas y salve su vida”, aanbeveling Cabello durante la emission of su semanal program.

Ojeda Rondón, meanwhile, described the pharmacy as “milagrous” and said that the Carvativir was “effective” and shortened the recovery times of the illness.

Although there are some detailed details of the pharmacy, it does not know how to administer or how to apply to the severe lesions, which are intubated.


The Venezuelan Scientific Community has shown skepticism over the Govierno de Maduro announcements about the Carvativir and the Venezuelan Academy of Medicine (AVM) alert that it does not have any studies on pharmacy, while recommending it.

“There is only one conclusion validated with the information that is now in the public domain: tomillo extracts, including many of the essential essential derivatives of this plant, have the therapeutic potential against coronavirus. Without embarrassment, it is prudent to hope for mayors dates proof of Carvativir “, the AVM said in a statement.

In the same vein, the association of IVIC investigators – who were involved in the Carvativir study – demonstrated that they did not know the results of the investigation.

Dudas about the effectiveness of Carvativir llevaron on Facebook, YouTube and Tik Tok to eliminate videos of Maduro hablando del pharmaco, as well as the mandatory catalog as censorship and the place to ask around the world about reflection on the “abuses” of social speeches.

The covid-19 took place in Venezuela, with official dates, 1,200 deaths and 130,000 contagions.
