What do you think about Vlad Tenev, Robinhood’s co-founder who’s in the center of attention for the GameStop case

Bulgarian immigrants, found the service under the influence of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. At 28 years old, entered the ’30 under 30 ‘list, by Forbes.

This week, Robinhood’s online corridor application has been at the center of attention with the ‘flashmob’ of Reddit’s users, who raised the price of GameStop’s actions to donate to the cobbler funds .

These jewels, Robinhood blocks the purchase of the titles. This meditation provoked a diploma of 132 dollars from the maximum of 483 dollars. Because of the voluptuousness of subversion, the decision provoked a critical outcry including allegations of collusion with high-risk funds. At the center of the scandal is the executive director of the company, Vlad Tenev, who explains the company’s position.

Nacido in the port of Varna, in the west of Bulgaria, Tenev emigrates with his fathers, employees of the World Bank, ‘n EE.UU. cuando tenía 4 jaar oud, recoge el portal bulgaria Ambicia. Alli, graduated from Stanford University, where he is known and a friend of Baiju Bhatt, an Indian procedural student.

In 2010, both created their first company, Celeris, dedicated to algorithmic trading in the value market. Luego, the abandonment and founding of the information technology company Chronos Investment, which works with large investment banks.

Reply to ‘Occupy Wall Street’

There are feelings when the two friends, who live in New York, would like to create a gift that will allow them to easily invest in values ​​in the common people. In large part, it was forced by the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests against the economic power of 1% more rich, Fox News aan aan. Op el 2013, Robin Robinhood. Different from other corridors, the application has ten critical criticisms: it has commissions and no minimum balance.

In this case, the application of Ghana in pagans by fluency of orders, it is said, receives money from large ‘trading’ companies, which is positioned as market makers. For its part, these are the ‘spread’, or the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of the operations, Investopedia explains. Another source of introductions is the Robinhood Gold membership, which gives the user a variety of specific commercial products.

The Wall Street Vs.  Reddit users: what are you talking about now

Thanks to these innovations, the logistics company will attract more than 70 investors and be seen. Ya in 2018, gevestig valoraba in a 6,000 million dollars. Four years after the opening, there are four million customers. And su mayor eran ‘millennials’, the entre 28 y 41 years.

Bhatt and Tenev’s lesser minions are multimillionaires, according to Bloomberg. In 2016, when Tenev was 28 years old, he entered the list of promising young businessmen ’30 under 30 ‘, from the Forbes magazine. Asimismo, in the 2018 occupation, together with Bhatt, ranked 24th in the ’40 under 40 ‘analogue list, Fortune.

Robinhood in the middle of the scandal

  • Robinhood blocks the purchase of GameStop titles from these games, which will raise the historic maximum of $ 483
  • According to reports, the application is recovering more than $ 1,000 million in emergency funds to continue operating in mid-market volatility
  • In response, the inverse peoples will present a collective demand against the application and receive more than 100,000 negative reviews in one hour
  • Criticize the platform people like the congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the multimillionaire Elon Musk. Asimismo, hub accusations that Robinhood acted like the pressure of the cover funds
  • Robinhood has lifted the ban on buying GameStop shares, albeit limit the number of titles who can negotiate a sole action for the minority clients
  • This Wednesday, Tenev said that he would like to disable GameStop’s actions for the coverage of the coverage funds. “If the dynamics of the market and the requirements for the deposit of the compensation chamber, in accordance with the regulations”, are taken into account,
