What do you support ?, Chiquis Rivera manda a Ana Bárbara al suelo

Chiquis Rivera y Ana Bárbara is llevan mal ?. Surprisingly, there are many who would like to know that Janney Marín Rivera ended up dating the beautiful Ana Bárbara on the floor, all of whom were attracted to Tengo Talento Mucho Talento’s cameras.

The hermosa grupera compares credits with the henna of Jenni Rivera as juez del exitoso program, donde decided to realize a Tik Tok with the interpretation of Animate and verás; without embarrassment, all ended badly.

But for nothing these songs are bad, on the contrary, they are good enough to do so Chiquis Rivera sent to the interpretation of Lo Busqué al suelo.

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In the video shared by the movie La Reina Grupera can you observe that she gives the dio indications to the ex of Lorenzo Méndez de in lugar de “chocar” palmas, lo hicieran con las caderas, una muy mala idé.

The 50th anniversary of the oath does not take into account the foresight and the voluptuous cadres of chiquis and to carry out the application, ending with the beautiful Ana Bárbara on the floor. The only thing is that it was just a rehearsal and not the final video, so I probably will repeat the situation.

Ambas interpreteer lucen in the video more than hermosas. Chiquis Rivera delights in a brilliantly embroidered suit that removes all and any of its curves, even if it has a black belt and trembles in front of it, complementing its outfit with a black color black.

For his part, Ana Bárbara lució his figure in a conjunction of two pieces in which the little short day to discover his tonified piercins and his abdomen of acero, distancing the real one that is 50 years old.

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This is not the first time that the sovereign of Lupillo Rivera and Altagracia Ugalde comparten silla en Tengo Talento Mucho Talento and from the first moment the connection is noted and it is said that it is both. The fame not dudan to entertain between them, with their companions and participants and by supuesto, on television; in addition to bringing the beauty touch that the television program requires.

Currently, Ana Bárbara is brilliant as nothing more than composing with the new theme of Angel Aguilar, In Reality; the theme of Ana Bárbara’s theme is to support the retelling of Pepe Aguilar’s henchman in Tik Tok. With this, the singer demonstrates that he appreciates the talent and support of the new generations.

Who also does not work Chiquis. To make it famous is also for the sake of being distinguished as a composer, but definitely what he is singing. The band’s Diva de la Banda has always been active in Covid-19 singing and has been sharing his music on social media.

Speaking of music, Rivera also has bargains and is the image of a cosmetics and beauty brand. Many insure that due to their dynamism and the pacifism of Lorenzo Méndez what can end with his relationship.

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At the moment, Chiquis Rivera has not revealed that he has found the love of the new account; without embarrassment, it is said that love is estranged and that this man is Emilio Sánchez, the photographer of his friend Becky G.

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Los gerugte surgieron despues de se les viera muy juntitos, pero sin ser carinosos con unos amigos; because it can not be managed as a hecho.
