What do we know about ownership and benefits?

There is no escape that, for women practicing cycling, the person quizzes the only number one to derrotar. It’s a moment when it’s talking about the moon in the SABIENDO basque that it’s collapsing on stage, the party or merendaste is este pastel that it has appetite from time to time. For the tragedies as it is written, I have heard in them that I have a clear sense of derrota. The two hours are with me olvida, también os lo digo.

If anything, it’s clear that this is a live stream that we will only be able to release, and as such we will not be releasing any more licenses yet (if ever). The case is that the Venice have a habit of training to help with the weight loss that has been extended in the last few months and in many sports disciplines that cycling has not yet achieved.

Treat yourself to ayunas as a method for adelgazar. But, can it work? The answer, according to the scientists, is that yes and no. Es decir, no parece hab una evidence ni consenso que se pierdan más gras por trainen ayunas. And, from this point of view, it does not mean that we can have a vicious circle and we can make trainings in which we have all regulated. Obviously the effects are potentially limited depending on a series of factors.

The studios establish that, effectively, the physical ownership in ayunas hace that the body is more sensitive to insulin, lo that is acaba translating into a bajada of weight – are not intermediate, careful- and a greater tolerance to glucose, breath to be able to acostumbrar al cuerpo a quemar grasa.

But it is also easy to do, if you want to try training in your routines, you need a series of specifications:

The first is that you need to achieve a low intensity. Only at 60-65% of maximum frequency, then at this level of effort the main reserve is used as a source of energy. Además, hay que tener en cuente que la primera media hora “no cuenta” ya que ese es timempo que larda cardiovascular en poonerse a functionan, por lo que hasta entonsem no estemandem quemando grasa. In any case, it will take more than 45 minutes.

For another lad, tampoco affecta todo el mundo por igual. It was demonstrated that ownership in ayunas has more benefits for people who are training. Hecho, the ‘ideal’ routine to train in a series makes a couple of days after having had a session that involves a lot of glucogen-sea gas, at high intensity – and at least with the lower back hydrated in order to These glucogenic deposits are not soaked in lungs that the body tire is next to the grasses.

It has also been controversial with the concept of ‘ayuno’, since it is not possible to have a series of hours without a conscious form that can be cherished, acostarse and levantarse to be trained. I have recently agreed that the French watchdog will take food before the end of this training and will be between 8 and 12 hours. Some studies point to the emphasis that, in fact, the most important is the caloric difference that is seen in the length of the day. Because the joint does not have a large effect on the length of any day, and in any case it is important to make sure that it does not lose calories while compensating more.

For example, an old acquaintance of this blog, trainer Javier Sola of Training4all, tells us that more than one, to lose weight is better “combine volume and intensity”. But if ayun has positive effects: “The ayuno, in short, helps to prioritize the consumption of grasses to reserve glucone for the hour of the world, when it grows”.

So, bottom line is that we’ve got a little more information on training in some and some of its features. For people with diabetes, hypertension or rhinitis problems is absolutely contraindicated. My advice is that consult a specialist who can know your case and adapt this training. Y, in any case, if you want to try it on your own, I can only recommend that you introduce it in the form of paulatina. As much as a couple of days a week and in sweet sessions. The opposite ensures that it will have effects … but negative ones.
