what can be included and what is missing

Through the parenthesis that mantuvo occupied the Senate the week before the second trial against Donald Trump’s executor, who was finally abducted, now the president, Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party quieren volver a poner el foco en una gran urgencia para el país, reports in various media: the approval of a plan of aid for millions of people blamed for the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden, who took over the cargo of the President on the 20th of January, has submitted his proposal, to promote together with his party a project of a plan of haste 1.9 trillion dollars, which includes, among other things, direct checks to people in need of $ 1,400 and helping families with up to $ 3,600 per year. Pero todaavta falta para un packet de ayudas de este tipo reciba el via libre del Congreso.

[Biden urge a aprobar el plan de ayudas “rápido”]

In continuation, you can announce updates on how to advance the work of the legislators to approve the plan, which is included and you can benefit from entering into force.

Cómo avanzan los trabajos

Biden has shown partisanship that the new plan of aid that it impulses is a bipartisan manner. Prohibition of probes, many Republicans of the Congress are opposed to the approval of an economic package that is, to maintain that the imbalance demased the federal presumption.

These are the difficulties, the Democrats, that have the control of both chambers, the apostrophe to use a special mechanism for approving leases in the Senate to approve times and log the approval of the plan without the need of the support of the rival party ocurrir nunca. This special process, called Reconciliation, can you use a single year for a tax year and only for those who refrain from taxing the guests.

Various committees of the Congress are working to work and vote on mediations that are included in the global aid package, according to a CNBC report, Telemundo’s Herman cadena.

What time is it for the congressmen?

The Free Book of Congress has no plans to mediate. The President of the Chamber of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, said last week that his objective is to approve the legislative body that will lead before the end of february.

[Mejora el empleo para los latinos en enero: estos son los sectores que más crecen y los que siguen en crisis por la pandemia]

After that, the plan will have to be debated in the Senate, where Democrats and Republicans are in a position to empathize (50 each) and only the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris, who is a Democrat, can block the situation. Alli his party, predictably, will not tend to log the approval of the plan (it is enough that only one of the necessary votes is missing the day of the vote so that the numbers do not frame).

In addition, the reconciliation mechanism is governed by strict rules that have not all the means proposed to include in the package can be approved in the form of a waiver. Aún así, Pelosi dijo que confía en que all recovered before March mediates, which increases the benefits of example for millions of people.

El diario The Washington Post has appeared that the moment is a chasm for the approval of the package of estimates is given to the principles of my life.

What can include the package

At the last week, one of the committees of the Congress working in the development of the package approves the proposal that includes direct payments of 1,400 dollars for people with less than 75,000 dollars annual pairs with gains every 12 months that do not exceed 150,000 dollars.

The leader of the Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer, must show favoritism with this medium.

Another proposal of the month is the one that prevails parents or guardians receive direct payments of 3,600 dollars per year (300 dollars per month) for each minor age of 6 years and 3,000 annual fees (250 dollars per month) for each minor from between 6 and 17 years.

Además, along with the opposition of many Republicans in Congress, various governors and members of this party advertise aid to the territories they administer, according to The Washington Post. If so, the terms and conditions for the Democrats to include the plan 350,000 million dollars for states and cities.

[División entre los demócratas sobre el posible aumento del salario mínimo]

Other means to be included include increase from $ 300 to $ 400 semanales a federal aid for example and ampllila until final August.

On the other hand, the idea of ​​closing the minimum wage at $ 15 per hour is rising due to the possibility that it does not comply with Senado’s rules relative to the presumption and also by the skepticism of some Democrats.

With information from CNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today.
