What are your common medical errors?

An investigation determined that there were 29,853 medication errors in Colombia between 2018 and 2019, but a very small margin could have consequences for the patient. Apenas el 5% de errores son reportados.

Tal vez le haya sucedido que acuda a la pharmacy de su barrio, o al dispensario de medicamentos de su EPS, y le entreguen un medicamento que no era el que dice su orden médica. The mistakes in the medication are probably unlikely, but sued in Colombia.

It is calculated, for example, that 7% of hospital prescriptions have medication errors (only 0.18%) are grafts. Following a study conducted in 2013 in patients hospitalized in graves in Pereira, there were errors in the large majority of prescriptions, such as the failure of the register of medication during treatment (in 97.3% of cases) or in the case of administration (12.9%). In another study, 14,873 medication errors were discovered, of which 79 had caused some death to the patient.

It is estimated that 5% of the errors in the medication are reported. It is for this reason that a group of investigators from the National Institute of Health (INS) will discuss the prevalence and frequency of medication errors that will be notified between 2018 and 2019 in the country.

The studio, published this week in the magazine Biomedicine, is based on Audifarma’s medication error registration database, a logistics operator that dispenses medicines to 8.5 million outpatient patients at 17.7% of Colombia’s population.

Lea: Errors of medicine for administrative administration, without any problem with the expression of Bucaramanga

A medication error can consist of delays in admission, prescription, dispensation or consumption of medication by the patient. The causes vary: you can be overcharged for work, lack of concentration of the employee or similarity between the numbers or packages that facilitate the error, among others.

Each error is registered by the employee who detected it (medical staff, nurses, pharmacists and demas) in a virtual application and is based on a data base. There is a result of 152 million of drugs (72’042.919 and 2018 and 80’766.727 and 2019), and 29.853 errors of medicamente ambulatorios, after which the current medida entre año: 14.596 and 2018 y 14.942 and el 2019, and los 417 the pharmaceutical establishments of Audifarma, the Grand Mayor of Bogotá, Cali, Medellín Valledupar, Popayán and Tuluá.

It is estimated that there are 1.93 errors in medication for every 10,000 medicines dispensed, and only 0.02% of cases go to affect the patient. The majority of errors relate to the lack of concentration in dispensing the drug and the phonetic similarity of the drug number, in addition to errors in the assessment of the product. In the Top 10 of the drugs that are involved in errors are: losartan, levotiroxine, acetylsalicylic acid, atorvastatin, acetaminophen, insulin, esomeprazole, antacids, hydrochlorothiazide and naproxen.

The majority of these drugs are highly circulating and treat chronic diseases that are not transmissible (such as muscle pain or gastric acidity), but with the exception of the thyroid hormone, which does not have a therapeutic margin and, in principle, tends to cause manos by error. “Drug errors are an important problem that requires the attention of health authorities, should be able to focus on ensuring patient safety, in addition to keeping the death rate afloat,” the study concluded.
