What are the origins of the coronavirus pandemic?

(CNN Español) – The real origin of coronavirus is one of the questions that scientists look for. A team from the World Health Organization, the OMS, has a series of tests in China. A first episode Elmer Huerta examined the outcome of the investigation.

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Hello, soja el Dr. Elmer Huerta and this is his diary dose of information about the new coronavirus. Information that we hope will be useful to take care of his health and that of his family.

Hoy veremos qué se ha apprentice sober el origen de la pandemia en China.

The origin of the coronavirus pandemic: the interrogative granule

One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is the origin of the virus, and one of the consequences of that time is the appearance of multiple theories that will explain it. Theories that water are based on science and evidence, water that simply expresses the ideas and fantasies of groups of people.

On February 9, it will announce the results of a quarterly home visit that includes an international team, formed by 17 World Health Organization (OMS) scientists and 20 Chinese scientists.

El zoologist Peter Daszak, member of the delegation, is a CNN who visits the many laboratories and the hicieron preguntas realmente, which contains a director and científicos individual chinos, which contains the information and transcripts of the publications and publications of the OMS declare.

También also praised the “significant aperture of China”.

Aclaró el Dr. Daszak que, a pesar de haberse obtenido datos abundantes omre posible origen de la pandemia, tardará meses a aos el conocer la verdad sober el origen del virus, agregando de que no hay evidence de se hubieran presentado brotes de covid -19 anteriores a demonstrated the principles of December, and it is possible that the virus was transmitted by a person from another country.

What the OMS says about the origin of the pandemic

El Dr. Peter Ben Embarek, head of the international delegation indicating that the hallucinations point to the fact that it is “extremely unlikely” the theory that the pathogenic saliva of a Wuhan laboratory, a popular theory defended by the President of the United States Donald Trump, but much Scientific habían desacreditado.

The corroborating commission that the coronavirus’ step hypothesis of an animal in the human being traversed in a second species is the “most probable”, but it is possible to find a definitive answer. El Dr. Embarek declares that the era would probably be if the primer dier haya sido un murciélago, teniéndose aun dudas sobre cuál pudo haber sido el segundo dier.

In the same way, it is informed that we have not been logged in to identify the “patient patient”, or that he is the first patient with covid-19 of the pandemic, and that it is possible that nothing can be identified, and that he may be a person asymptomatic side.

If we have worked together, we will pay attention to the press conference, which lasted approximately three hours, delegations, China and international, and two separate presentations.

Can the virus be read from another place?

Respectively, the Chinese delegation has been pushing for the powder virus to be smuggled into China some other countries in congested market markets.

In another important revelation, the Dr. Embarek said that it was not clear that the pandemic originated in Wuhan’s market, but that there were other simultaneous contact foci in the city.

Finally, it has been revealed that no evidence has been produced that covid-19 cases will be produced before December 2019.

In summary, a project of four weeks, which includes visits to various houses in China for 12 days, which demonstrates more than one year in crystallization, which motivates agri-political politicians, no echo mayor in the mysteries of the origin of the pandemic followed the life of more than two million people. I have no doubt that the final information will be given to us by any other type of additional date.

Do you have any questions about coronavirus?

We will post your questions on Twitter, we intend to respond to our upcoming episodes. You can find in @DrHuerta. You did not respond anymore.

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