What are the most common causes of sports injuries?

After five years of professional career, the Dr. Andreu Álvarez de la Vega, Director-General del Biological Medicine Center (CMB), Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Specialist in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pathological Anatomy, Expert in Biological Medicine, contests the most frequent questions about integrative medicine and elite sports.

What are the most common causes of sports injuries?

In general, the sports lesions are very related to the type of sport that is practiced and suelen are different lesions of the cyclists (clavicle fractures), tennis players (code of the tennis) and the footballs (muscle lesions, ligaments or Disturbas contusiones. The causes of the most frequent lesions in all types of sports are debated (motorists, cyclists athletes). in elite sports. especially of the muscle type or the mental league. ”

Can anyone be able to practice sports?

“I do not believe in anyone, but I do have some respectful behavior. A very important factor in deportation lesions is the oath that elite deportations tend to realize young people in general. Although the body is on the move, the locomotor system also does this and each has its own sport, although there are always exceptions. ”

Sedentarism is the only one that exists for our body and our cardiovascular system.

“For example, the sports life of an elite football player lasted up to 35 years or so. After this oath, the mayor will not be able to return 100 per 100 as demanding coaches and empyza and the moment to load the boots. People with physical deficiencies naturally who can also make any type of sport and demonstrate their mental strength in order to achieve consistency and tenacity including being paralyzed. Hasta las persona edad pueden hacerlo y eso es importanceisum para su corpuer se vaya manteniendo joven. It often loses fasting nation, golf transmitter, cycling, etc .; because sedentarism is the only thing that has for our body and for our cardiocirculatory system. ”

Before making any deportations do you have to do some physical preparation?

“It simply came to our notice then. Hemos to prepare our body from the point of view of physics and consulting with a physician or a physician specializing in sports medicine for our orienteering is the most dedicated sport for our eda, not olvidándonos naturally at the moment of our life has its deporte. If we use the example that we have of animals, when we are deprived of a healthy repairer and keep in mind the food, the first thing we have is the attachment of its muscles and adjoining structures. This is what we can observe in our company animals especially in holes and perches and also in salvage animals. This example is also a lesson for our athletes. No entry into the football field without a preview preview due to the possibility of a locomotive injury will be much more elaborate. ”

Is the constitution of the person important when it comes to carrying out a deportation?

‘Important no, important isimo. The different cultures of our marvelous planet azul have been classified as human beings according to their phenotype in asthenic, athletic and picnic persons or Vata Pitta and Kapha in Ayurvedic medicine. It is absurd to ask for a sex that takes 200 kilometers per hour because it is not prepared for it. If you can have a Mercedes or a Formula 1 that is prepared to go more than 300 km per hour. Rarísima vez veremos, por ne decir nunca, a unone con sobrepeso opmerklik haciendo una marathon or jugando en un team de football de prim Divisionion, aunque hay otro typo deportes que pueden realos como par egamplo americano, boxeo ens. so, to make any deportation may be contrary to our constitution. ”

To make any deportation we can go against our constitution

“It is important in all the moments of our life to listen to our body, and if our body is content with what we treat it is silent, calladito, no dice or peo, no habla. If our body has anything to do with symptoms (pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.) then we are wondering what we are doing well. ”

Does anyone have food as a cause of sports injuries?

“We live in a privileged country with our famous Mediterranean diet that is considered by nutritionists one of the most healthy in the world. It is a balanced diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables together with our olive oil and animal fat. The OMS has our priorities as a result of the association between excesses of carnage and the appearance of oncological processes. ”

It has been demonstrated scientifically that a Mediterranean diet based on eco-friendly foods with fried and alkaline foods makes the recurrent sports injuries drastically decrease.

“Our ideal diet is based on organic foods and our markets are full of hybrids, foods, industrial processes, foods with refined sugars and herbicides and pesticides incorporated into them; the glyphosate for example is prohibited in the EUEU due to its cancerous effect. In Catalonia it is used by many campers in the cultivation of Trigo, cebada, colza, homes and ecological and non-ecological crops. It has been demonstrated scientifically that a Mediterranean diet based on eco-friendly foods with fried and alkaline foods makes the recurrent sports injuries drastically decrease. ”

How can papel dispense integrative medicine in the treatment of elite sports injuries?

“As far as conventional medicine is concerned, the treatment that is used most habitually is sports physiotherapy together with other treatments such as sports massage, infrared and electro therapy. In respect of integrative medicine, in our center depending on the type of lesions we find we can use: Neurological therapy, by its regulating effect of the neurovegetative system; Bemer therapy or vascular therapy, which is a puncture therapy to normalize the blood flow of obstructed micro-capillaries and facilitate the release of oxygen to the tejidos; Infrared Therapy for its Analgesic Effect; chromotherapy or therapy with light that applies to affected areas has a great anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect; Biomagnetism is a treatment with more than 1000 Gauses with analgesic effect and restores the pH of the tejidos and also other therapies such as Biorresonance, Biophoton Therapy, Laser Therapy, Acupuncture and ozone therapy locally. These therapies can be applied to any type of deportation lesion and are perfectly compatible with conventional medicine and can be applied to both elite deportists as well as its son. ”

Can the emotional part influence sports performance?

“It was demonstrated that one in five sportsmen suffers from some form of career. To be a family member, not to demonstrate debilitation or stress due to the constant number of trainers, companions, the public, the main reasons motivated by the athletes can be taken in states of oxidative stress, depression and anxiety, and no son appreciable by the trainers as the physical lesions, passing a disappeared menu and causing a great deal of anguish. High-yielding athletes are more inclusive than ever, they tend to have the constant sensation of being exposed to the maximum and are also prone to critical criticism of the press. For this reason we consider the need for care that these patients have during the treatment. ”

It was demonstrated that one in five sportsmen will be considered at some stage of their careers.

“Conscience of the utilization of other integrative methods, there are entities when we incorporate the team of Isabel Ruiz, a therapist who works with a personality diagnostic system, the Digitoanalysis. Integrating this system into our center is the only way we can ensure that the treatment is a success, even though he has also had a very positive change in the sports department and in the personal life of the sportsmen. ”
