What are the candidates for the presidency of Ecuador? | Politics | Notice

The caroons of the aspirants to Carondelet in this electoral campaign are being consumed, then there are those who say live. Others are concerned with the beginnings that their business or professional activities entail.

Seun 16 los candidatos a la Presidency of the Republic, a monthly freight cargo is $ 5,072. All of them ask themselves: What do they live for? Only the details of the fees, the damages will be reimbursed for the assessments, the professional activities and the support that is included in the maintenance.

Hasta hace poco, Andrés Arauz, candidate of the Alliance for the United Nations (UNES), lists 1-5, vivía de su beca de doctorate studios, en México, y con los ingresos familiares. “Let’s live with the words of my speech”, the president commented.

In exchange, Lucio Gutiérrez -expresidente who wants to win with Sociedad Patriótica, list 3- if he retires with two pensions: the retired coronel and the executor indicate that they are $ 6,000. “Aparte, sojaboerder, tengo un emprendimiento de guayusa agua de est suspendido por la pandemia, pero lo retomaré en este ao. Esta actividad me apasiona, el agua es sabrosa y tiene beneficios, es energenzante com el el café, pero natural, es mejor than the Redbull “.

El candidate for the Ecuatoriano United movement, list 4, Gerson Almeida, dice que vive “for the moment (of) the contributions of persons who support the candidacy. Normally of professional ownership and rent of immovable property”.

Isidro Romero – Aspirant for the Advance Party, List 8- is supported by its negotiators. “I have companies in Ecuador and in the exterior. I have a happy and content life, a line of work and emotion”.

Carlos Sagnay de la Bastida -Fuerza Ecuador, list 10-, es de los que vive de sus ahorros, y lo hace “desde hace bastante tiempo. Yo he sido siempre precavido, he gastado poco. Mi estilo de vida es austero”. Geen va a tener jubilación. “I do not associate with the real ones in the IESS. I worked here between 1980 and 1984, and in 2005, so I have time to do so, I have part of my consumables, I am a professor and universities, I am a member of the Board of the Board of Petroecuador , but I was withdrawing from my economic activity, I am politically full time, I have no assessors, the guest of his candidates is much mayor, he is only mantenerme “.

El candidate of the Izquierda Democratic Party, list 12, is the empress. Xavier Hervas commented that “25 years ago it started growing in this country. Pasé de artesano panificador, porque fui panadero, an industrial farmer. Also ensemble and sell agricultural tractors in the country. Nee hy heredado ni comprado ningún negocio ”.

Pedro Freile, of the Amigo movement, list 16, mention that debe ganar “as a professional of derecho al va le bien. Pero no stay in the top of the mayors ingresos. No soy tan caro … Hay años en los que tengo ingresos buenos, otros en los que casi nada , it’s my job to travel because I consistently work in being in forums, search clients for projects that impulse. Separately, I work as a vice rector of a private college. And I have business negotiations with my employees. and me quedo con una ganancia “.

Mientras que César Montúfar, of the Alliance between the Socialist Party and the Movement Concerts, lists 17-51, is Professor of the University of Andina since 26 years, and of other universities. También “has a source of small monthly inclusion as an artist”, comment.
The presidential map of the Pachakutik movement, list 18, Yaku Pérez, says that the lives of the ahoros, lieu haber eigencido como prefect de Azuay. “My daily work is the free professional ownership of the lawyer, but in the current state of the practice. In my house, in Tarqui, I connect the plot and produce with the help of my mother for my self-consumption. Vivo de mis ahorros, del apoyo of my mother and hermano “.

Giovanny Andrade – participation in Unión Ecuatoriana, list 19- is dedicated to professional services. Worked for 15 years inside the mining sector and has been assessing the exterior: in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru. “Now we have the capacity to build mines at the international level, we are considering a capacity for a university in Peru …”.

Gustavo Larrea, Candidate of Movement for Democracy Sí, list 20, cuantifica su ingreso known human and $ 4,000. With the help of the good guy, with whom he obtained private consultations and work on foundations. The other metad correspondent to his wife, who is a university professor.

Guillermo Lasso, from the CREO-PSC alliance, lists 21-6, live on the dividends that pay the Guayaquil Bank, which is one of the shareholders. “I am a candidate who can demonstrate in Ecuador his tax return at the end of the last two years if it is necessary, the patrimonial declaration which he presented to the competent authorities, and show clearly that I have failed , mi kamisa, la gasolina del auto y el auto vienen de esos recursos, luego de pagar impuestos “.

Guillermo Celi, de SUMA, list 23, make sure they are supported by their “little ones”, the support of my family, and there are those who are fully committed to transforming the country. Congratulations live a happy life, thank you God my family is an example of his father; we live in the presidential sueldo as he came alive in three years and in the middle as a legislator “.

The songs of Juan Fernando Velasco, de Construye, list 25, its part of its sustainability: “Receiving regulations for having songs that are suanan around the world, connected to a sueldo as president of the Society of Authors and Composers. “Elections, living from the horrors. Tenia a house, which it constructs with the work of many years, but (when the minister is gone) the tuve that vends to solvent the guests of the day and that it allows me to live”.

Paúl Carrasco, del Movimiento Podemos, list 33, no ten trabajo. “Even the decision to abandon the party because I had a hard time working; to make sure I did well in the Prefecture of Azuay and we are interested in forming a family fund; and we can have a herenia and with this fund we live”.

Y Ximena Peña, of Alliance PAIS, list 35, dice que vivía of his salary of legislator and now of his ahorros. It also helps with the rents of a house of three floors that belong to the United States, provided that work was done by a migrant, before he or she went to work in the Assembly. (I)
