What are the burpees? How to get well on your own and all its benefits

One of CrossFit’s highlights that most people are talking about is theirs “burpees”. It is a type of anaerobic exercise that different types of muscle work as the abdomen, the pectorals, the brazos, the piernas and the espalda. As you can see, this is a very powerful tool with which you can customize your body to the fullest.

Pero Exactly what are the burpees? In this article we will find out what it is, its benefits and steps to make it right. Empiza to take care of your body from the same!

What are their burpees and benefits?

A burpee is a type of anaerobic eruption, it is said that the center is on corporate corporation. To do this correctly, you have to make different movements that include flexions, squats and vertical jumps. The complete exercise will allow you to work different muscle groups and get a much stronger body.

Currently, burpees have a lot of graceful fashion in the eyes of CrossFit, a sports discipline that works intense and conjunctival muscles. We have a very effective and complete ownership, which allows us to declare different parts of the body. In addition, if you do not need extra gym equipment, it is an easy task to make at home.

Loose Benefits of the most vulnerable burpees see the following:

Travaja varios muscular groups: brazos, pectorales, hombros, abdomen, piernas y glúteos.

No equipment needs, because you can easily do it at home.

Te ayudará a mejorar tus músculos y, también, ‘n mejorar tu resistencia cardíaca.

It’s ideal for tonifying your body af menos tiempo, ya que trabaja de manera más intensa y completa.

Each burpee that realizes llega a quemar unas 10 kcal.

How to make burpees?

Now that you know what you are looking for, we will discover how to make burpees correct. Here we have them steps you need to follow to be able to have a safe and controlled practice:

The initial position is a tenth. Deberás colocar las manos en el suelo y mantener la espalda y cabeza rect.

– Now, I’ve going to get rid of the holes and drive the pies. In this position, there is a pectoral flexion that mixes the codes and maintains the right column.

– Después, recoge las piernas and recover the initial position of sentadilla.

From this position, you will need a vertical jump that will lift you all the way. You can lift the mano to make it more senseless and you can have more impulse.

– In the somersault, there should be a palm tree on top of your head for the most intense exercise.

When new tires are placed on the sole, the rods are doubled to amortize the golf and reduce the pressure.

– Vuelve a ponerte en sentadilla y repite de nuevo el eiercicio.

It is recommended to do 8 to 10 oppressors and descansar 2 or 3 minutes. Complete 3 series and save the guide cuerpo al máximo.
