What are the benefits of yoga for health? | Greetings and Welcome

The coronavirus pandemic has been extended to cases until 2020, a period that will be compensated for by some people who need help to maintain the quietness and comfort of the patient.

Practicing yoga is one of the things that can help in this aspect, has recommended the United Nations (ONU), which is published by Jon Witt, yoga master of decades in Asia and United States and specialist in yoga Therapeutic, explains that this discipline is ideal for maintaining calm and well-being during these crisis contexts, which are very reflexive.

“When yoga is practiced, there are five, there are six minutes, during which lapse is not thought of in a pandemic, it is not discussed with the family or whether there is solitude; you are connected. Put a video in the media

YouTube or receiving live streaming instructions on a digital platform is a positive distraction and is very enjoyable and repairable by nature, ”he said.

In addition to being mental and emotional, yoga also brings multiple benefits to our physical health. The MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia claims that yoga can improve the physical condition in general, as well as contribute to good posture and flexibility. Y, in addition, enumerates all the following merits that tend to be this discipline: can reduce arterial pressure and cardiac frequency, help to relax and reduce stress, increase coordination, increase mayor, increase sleep, increase digestion .

Without embarrassment, the National Institutes of Health of the United States states that there are many studies that have shown results that yoga can serve everything and more, but more research is definitely needed for corroborarlos.

In respect, the Dra. Pamela Jeter, an expert in yoga research research, explains that “various investigations have been carried out into different medical problems, but it is not enough to decide with certainty”.

In this sense, it seems that the injunctions he suggested, for example, yoga could help with some medical problems, such as reducing the pain and the symptoms of menopause. And in studies conducted on adult adults and people with cancer, the best are the sueño.

Jeter adds that it is also clear that the specific part of yoga is that it benefits health, and that this sport combines physical, mental and spiritual elements.

‘There are many components to yoga. We do not know if it is the active ingredient (which provokes the effects) “, recalls Jeter.

However, it is worth noting that there are studies that are analyzing whether yoga is useful for specific groups of people. For example, yoga research can help with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (TEPT).

If you ever practice yoga for any specific health problem, the expert recommends preferring a yoga therapist.

“Yoga therapists have the most extensive training required by a regular yoga master.” They are able to work with different problems and, in their majority, work in individual ways or in small groups “, she said.
