Wey Zapata’s tragic story: pierde brazo, recover and fall

Monterrey, NL /

Gerónimo Alberto Zapata, known as Wey Zapata, was considered a reader, but at the end of his tragic end in motocross.

Open November 15, 2020, the pilot pilot lost a crash in a transit accident; without embarrassment, recovered milagrosamente.

All are surprised by this recovery, including wanting to compete, showing great motivation and passion for this sport.

The tragedy was that he believed the allegory was being smuggled, and that a trial took place in the cordobesa San Agustín, Wey Zapata lost his life.

The transit accident took place on National Route 40, lost control, had been stopped; his vehicle was destroyed and he was saved by the army.

In the month of November, Zapata was working hard on his rehabilitation and opened a month and a couple of days later, the pilot flew to the slopes.

“The probabilities of wanting to breathe in moto for doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists eran practically cero. But I’m mentally recovering to improve my balance and so much hiccup. The kinesiologists tell me that I do not centralize so much in this, but I think I should do it to help the moto “, says Carburando.

Alberto Zapata definitely regressed to the slopes, quenched in the 11th floor and next to the podium.

Without embarrassment, no corrosion with the mishma suerte este domingo, encaró un salto y no pudo check su moto en la caida; was taken to hospital, but nothing happened, he died at the age of 23.
