Webinar. Equipos y Bienestar Laboral en la era post-Covid-19 – ORH

In the last year, due to the pandemic, and the consequent clearing of frontiers, confinements, telecommunications and covid standards, there has been a labor dispute within the employees of the Mayor of Spanish companies. There is a motivational streak that sums up personal preoccupations provoking a general disparity in the levels of personal welfare.

In this context, it is the moment to give up over the month the psychological and motivational impact that has caused the pandemic on workers in the business environment and to reflect on alternatives, solutions and tendencies that will allow new cohesion in our lives without of digitization.

Given the paradigm, “a connected team is also salute”, is the moment to value technology, the sport, among other assets and activities of digital ambition its capabilities to recover the levels of employees and recover it manera sus aanlegte para hacer frente a los etpresariales de futuro.

Following a SODEXO study, a motivated team made 44% more and increased 27% the staff compromise. That is to say, the motivation is translated into a profitable mayor and ensures that all are aligned with the objectives and the cremation of the company. For this reason, the key is to reflect on the alternatives that are presented to us to maintain the motivation of the employees during the meeting that exacerbates an exceptional and inconvenient situation as originated by the coronavirus.

To debate about these topics, mañana martes 12 de enero a las 18 horas, Urban Sports Club, Europe’s largest and most flexible sports organization, organizes a webinar with 4 expert panelists to fix the effects that the pandemic has generated on the plant boards, the expectations and solutions which proposes to recover the yield of the teams and we will acknowledge the opinion of the paper that technology can hold in this ambition. The panelists are:

  • Diego Ramonde: Corporate Sales Manager and Urban Sports Club.
  • Vanesa Berrido: Head of Talent Brand & Acquisition in Southern Europe and Danone.
  • M. José Santiago: Deportivo Psychologist
  • Maite Sáenz (Moderadora): Socia-Directora en ORH-OBSERVATORIO DE RUMURSOS HUMANOS.

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