We will not build a wall on the front, its “perimeter wall”, dice director Migración

The Director of Migration ensures that no frontal wall has been removed which is projected to construct the governor of Luis Abinader on the border line between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, without a perimeter security perimeter anniversary.

Enrique García Vargas has been holding a cross on the front over the positions planted by various sectors, while the Gobierno announced the construction of a wall on the front to counter Haiti migration.

“It’s not a simple frontal security guard, it’s all a project that exemplifies technological aids, facial reconnaissance, tactile hues, infrared cameras, military equipment and other security guards,” said Garcia Variety of Dajia Yarjía Jimaní y Pedernales

President Abinader planted the theme in his February 27th speech, expressing that in the second half of this year, the new safety reference media, which combine physical and technological media, will be implemented in the second division line. a perimeter double wall in the most conflicting trams, and a simple one in the rest Además, has motion sensors, facial reconnaissance cameras, radars and infrared rays.
