We were standing at the height of the hereditary during sailing

Tomás Cobo Castro is the new president of General Council of Medical Collegios. Licensed in Medicine and Surgery by the University of Cantabria and Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Cobo is involved in the collegiate organization with the aim of modernizing the institution and stimulating continuous medical training.

“From the institution we hold that we practice the most young medicines“, consider the new representative of Spanish medicine, who advised the administrations that the WTO should work closely with the Covid-19 pandemic but it will not be a “collaborator”. Hours after elected result, Tomás Cobo explains Redacción Médica cuáles son sus metas.

How did the election day unfold?

He has since, finally, won by a majority of votes. It is part of Democracy and that it is a democratic process open to which our candidates present four candidates. Has been pretty emotional to the finals.

Do you think it was posted by the cambio?

Definitely. The Mayor voted in favor of the change and modernization of the Institution. By doing more agile, dynamic and paying attention to the medical assistance reality.

What will be the first decision taken by the President of the WTO?

The first decision has been taken, the court has taken the cargo, guarded a minute of silence by the companies he failed. Están muertos y eso es onherroeplik, han tenido el valor de dar su vida y su salud por el beneficio de los demás. One more month we were at the height of what we are coming from the medical profession during sails. It’s the first homage he wanted to make.

From now on we will be working on various measures, such as reforming the statutes of the General Council and the Code of Ethics. We encourage impulsive projects like the Faculty of Medicine in Africa. We have many things to do and to do that will keep you going at the speed at which you live in the circle of life.

Would you like to change the Deontological Code, What are their most necessary changes?

“In no case should I take my assisted work. The feeling of my life is the Medicine and its patients”

Our generation has undergone three revolutions: the Internet, globalization and now are in the Big Data. One of the things that Código has in mind is that it is in the Big Data, which includes telemedicine and image processing processes. We are also sumergidos also in euthanasia and in what venge.

Note that the first decision he made was to pay homage to the bankrupt companies by Covid-19. Will you change the WTO dialogue with the administrations regarding the empty decisions during the pandemic?

Anything that impulses, dynamizes, informs or collaborates with the Administrations, makes us feel on the first line. Finally, we are the free assessors of the Administration, the only thing we need is the help we offer in the case. A thing is collaborating and there will be collaborators.

Do you want to be more critical of the decisions you do not consider acceptable?

No, we’ll encourage and facilitate the relationship with the Administration in the medium that it is. Constructive criticism, we will be partners with non-collaborators, even if we think it is bad, we will clearly show it.

One of the major medical recommendations of the doctors is to homogenize the reimbursements, what will work for them?

We hold the Forum of the Medical Profession and from all over lucharemos. It is just that the 50 per cent of the professionals of the sanitary system are with a precarious contract. It is not just that our salary, the media, is much higher than that of our European partners. Moreover, there is another important pillar that is the continuous medical training, and the time that we have here is very important.

Tampoco explains why we are not risk professionals like other professionals who have the opportunity to retire at a time determined by their life. In our case, high professional specialties do not have this opportunity. We will defend and lucharemos.

How can we meet the requirements and demands of the MIR?

“From the Institution we take care of the most young doctors”

From the Institution we take care of the most young doctors. Here are some important topics to consider: youth medicine and gender equality.

Respect for the primers, which are in a period of specialized medical training, what we have to do from the WTO is to potentiate this training, but only to produce courses, without the accreditation of that training to be free from conflicts of interest which is international. We also work hard to potentially bring the new lines of training, also related to digitalization, to have a few of the traditional courses.

Will you continue with your work at UEMS?

Sin ninguna duda. We are the grandmasters of the new president of Cirugia in Europe is Daniel Casanova. The Spanish medical profession is legal in Europe and it is as it should be. The Spanish sanitary model is solid, secure and dynamic. Has been able to, in a crisis that led to Humanity in the abyss, sustainably. Our professionals are widely represented in Europe.

In the position of position has been confirmed “medicine has the trances”. How can I reconcile my cargo in the WTO with his professional career?

I will always have my life, no problems, I will organize and manage the time of donation. In no case should I do my assistant work, in the midst of which I can reduce the tendency, but the meaning of my life is the Medicine and its patients, which is what I do.

Treated to be able to work in a team and not presidentialism, we have a vice president who has a law and a great vice secretary who accepts. We have a new, young team that is in the assisted position. Geen hooi nadie fuera del medicic servicio, que es a lo que nos dedicamos.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any one related to health be consulted with a health care professional.
