“We remember the same thing that Puerto Rico has”

7 | 10/04/2021 – 11:00 am (GMT-4)

The music and the composer Descemer Bueno declared declaratory that Cuba is part of the territory of United States.

The reconciled artist shared on his wall a Facebook article from the official portal Cubadebate, in which he is criticized by a statadounidense analyst conservative who aboga by que Cuba a time that is free– is located in another state of its country.

“We remember the same thing we have Puerto Rico“, dijo Descemer, who responds to the ideas of North American Bill Kristol.

“There is a time when my people separate themselves from what they live, that they divide, that they have the same way that they have any peace, at least, freedom of expression. añadió, making reference to the real president of El Salvador.

In a subsequent post, the artist shared information from CiberCuba in the case of the situation of a Cienfuegos family that is a dependent humanitarian visa for United States, for its four years which is muriendo receive medical treatment.

“And if we do not want a humanitarian annexation to our Isla, there will be many more deer to the Suare de Dios. They are many people who suffer, favor, despair”, affirmed the interpretation of Patria y Vida.

This week Descemer accuses the singer Yoel Martínez, integral of duo Buena Fe, de ser un vendepatria y un envidioso.

In a post on his Facebook wall, Desecrate the specter that he did not write a song that chooses the pen and does not know how to play the guitar.

“Solo eres el perro faldero de otro perro con menos dignidad y menos vergüenza. Cuando te vendes por olerle las nalgas a los que le roban a tu pais ya tu pueblo”, express.

“You can only be a musician, but it’s clear that teens who want to do everything they need to do international reconnaissance, and we will go down in history to make the most music and be in the crowd for a few moments,” he added.

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