“We demand the reunion (with Nayib Bukele), no receipt, no concrete”, affirms Ricardo Zúñiga, sent by Biden

For the special envoy of the administration of Joe Biden, the visit to the country is fruitful and logarosar the important messages of the Casa Blanca in El Salvador.

The special envoy of the administration Biden to the Northern Triangle, Ricardo Zúñiga, confirms – it is not possible to concretize a relationship with President Nayib Bukele the first day of his visit to El Salvador.

“Yes, we will meet, we will not accept, we will not concretize,” said the diplomat, who oversees foreign policy for Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Without embarrassment, he did not elaborate on what the meeting with the salvadoran mandate was to be held. Zúñiga is limited to deciding that it is normal for an agenda to be set up in order to be able to concretize some of the meetings foreseen and on the reasons it should not be reunited, that is, “it should be able to run for the presidency”.

Without embarrassment, for the special envoy of the Biden administration, the visit to the country is fruitful and the important messages from the White House to El Salvador will be communicated.

This message is that democratic governance is central to the angle between El Salvador and the United States. In addition, the fight against corruption is central to its plan to reduce irregular migration.

VEA TAMBIÉN: Sent by Joe Biden to Triangulo Norte to reunite with Nayib Bukele

For this reason, the message given on its first day in El Salvador is strengthened: that the model of an institution with international support and funding to force the lucha against the elicits, which in the case of the countries is the CICIES.

The markets, announced that the United States will donate $ 2 million to the CICIES to continue the fight against corruption in El Salvador. Ayer, the Commission detailed that it had submitted to the Fiscalia 12 notices of alleged corruption in 5 institutions of the State even in which case they were dealt with.

Zúñiga también vio con buenos ojos the civil society proposal to reform the CICIES with mayor Independencia de la Presidencia, endowment of mayor autonomy finance and give more faculties as querellar in corruption processes.

Sondeverbod, the president Bukele announced that he opposes this initiative. Ante esto, the envoy of the Casa Blanca is limited to say that it is a “sovereign decision” of El Salvador.

VEA TAMBIÉN: United States fines $ 2 million to foreclose on tax liability

Democracy will be essential

For Ricardo Zúñiga, democracy and the State derecho are its fundamental pillars of what they call “favorable conditions” for salvadoran people related to prosperity and social mobility, and thus preventing or reducing irregular migration.

And one of the points in which most emphasis is placed in his conversation with Salvadoran periodicals is precisely the respect for freedom of the press.

The Casa Blanca manifesto demonstrated its preoccupation with the pressures that engendered the media and added that the periodicals were playing a critical role in the culture of democracy, as well as Washington’s interests. We also believe that the governing body uses the periodic reports of the Salvadoran media to establish its postures and analysis on El Salvador and its democracy.

VEA TAMBIÉN: CICIES has sent 12 cases of possible corruption to the Fiscalía
