We are the best owners to prevent thrombi in the pier

Physical activity is essential to have a healthy and avoidable life, therefore, the World Health Organization (OMS) recommend realizing a minimum of 150 minutes of self-assessment to avoid having to deal with health problems or aggravate any existing ones. Moderate physical activity combined with a good diet and the elimination of alcohol and tobacco will help to improve the muscle gain and cardiovascular system and health.

In case of venous thrombosis -coagulation of blood that interrupts the normal blood flow- the most senseless and effective activity is to believe, an act that does not require much effort and that is at the expense of everything. If a venous thromboembolic disease has occurred, it is recommended that you take this medicine without force and stop if you experience molestation or cancer, as long as the disease Foundation for the Study of Tromboembolic Disease.

Symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis

The symptoms of this disease are related to the affected piercing (rarely seen in both piercings).

If you show any of these symptoms are important go to the doctor to avoid complications, the coagulum may dissipate and dislocate through the sanguine torrent and cause a serious problem with the pulses known as pulmonary embolism, an entrance or a derrame.

In addition, there are concrete actions to prevent the appearance or aggravation of many cases in the case that, if it is done in a frequent manner, it will increase the circulation of the song.

Ejercicios para prevenir trombos que se pueden hacer en casa

– Center in a chair with the rollers to 90º and separate and junction the points of the various paths.

También en la silla, se realizan movimientos laterales de las piernas, elevándolas a la misma altura. In this position, the two pieces move at the same time or by separating the shaft and the rear shaft (simulating pissing an accelerator), alternating the holes. Asimismo, se mueven los pies en sentido de las agujas del reloj y en sentido contrario.

– Tumbarse en un esterilla o en la cama y pedalear boca arriba en el aire. Another option consists of flexing and extending the lengths of the slopes with the ridges and ridges.

– Collocate an alcove or pelota between the piers, and own a continuation of a live pressure during one of the second piles with the piers within it.

– Leaving a pier at the right end with the hands and holding the flexible rod while the other is permanently mounted on the sole. If you can do various repetitions of one 30 seconds each.

– Colocarse de pie y con la espalda recta. Now follow punches and punches slowly, repeating this movement various times.
