WB ‘completely redesigned’ Gotham Knights’ fight to ‘work well together’ • Eurogamer.net

“Some mechanics will not feel completely unfamiliar to people who have played the Arkham series, but it is very different in many ways.”

WB Games Montreal, the studio behind the upcoming Batman game Gotham Knights, has confirmed that the team has completely redesigned the combat system to enhance the collaborative experience.

Gotham Knights is an open world role-playing and single-player role-playing game featuring playable Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin. The intent is for the quartet to protect Gotham after the alleged death of Bruce Wayne.

“We’ve completely redesigned the combat system to work well together,” Fleur Marty, executive producer of Gotham Knights, told GamesRadar +. “Of course we’re still a fighter, and some of the mechanics will not feel completely alienated from people who have played and enjoyed the Arkham series, but in many ways it is very different.”

“The two-player dynamic matches the fantasy and the Gotham City environment. The ‘duo’ or ‘team-up’ is such a central feature of the universe that there is a literal abbreviation for it in the comics, animation, film and TV shows, “added creative director Patrick Redding. “Gotham is a city of alleys and rooftops, so the footprint for play must be compatible with it.”

“Since the story progression is shared between all the characters, it also makes sense that you don’t have to level it up from scratch every time you want to switch. It also remains very coherent in terms of our narrative,” Marty said.

“Since the other members of the Batman family are always in the background in some way while you are out of the world fighting crime or unraveling the mystery, they do not remain inactive. So it makes sense that they too progress and become stronger. ‘

Go to GamesRadar + for the full interview.

Gotham Knights was unveiled in August 2020 and is expected to appear on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Xbox One later this year.
