Watercolor, Monday horoscope February 1, 2021 | Water Horoscopes

Tienes gran fuerza de voluntead, sueles ser muy seguro, optimista y feliz; a strong and good health constitution.

I also have the qualities of a man and I like to dominate. You are extroverted, valiant and enthusiastic, but careful! puedes llegar a ser dictatorial, ególatra.

Pronostic of the day
Logical and balanced but also has a good sense of humor. He is a great executive, but he is a good man at heart and could rarely do any harm to anyone. Indulgent, self-pitying, extravagant, presumptuous and impulsive, too, can cause obesity problems.

Need attention, much apapacho, care, care, need that you pair it important that you are for it, if you will be very sentimental, but you will pass, only that the constellation of Cancer and around you the house of the couple.


Being able to somatize emotions, it’s important that it detects the emotion that beings and ways of expressing in a good way, if they do not have the ability to mourn, but more than to mourn for health, there will be somatizing the emotions.

Vigorous, independent, dominant, autocratic and valiant. La rutina te aburre; it is difficult to pack. Covered, in the work always important that pacts with the days. He is aggressive and has a lot of initiative, because he likes to go out on a limb.

Your enthusiasm is contagious and you will suffer in the labor camp. Alcanzas el triunfo si sabes will channel your energy and obtain passion and compassionate efficiency.

Geen tendrás ganas de gastar, má well kerrás ayudar a alguien que necesite ayuda ayuda economics.


Amor: Ram, Leo, Sagitario
Amistad: Ram, Leo, Sagitario
Laboratory: Gemini, Libra, Acuario

Wenk del día
You will be very affective in sex and in love, it is by your moon in the house 8; asi approve this position and relay!

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