Watch the epic first virtual Space Needle light show for New Year’s celebrations in Seattle

Real, authentic fireworks displays are pretty amazing. But the virtual version is not too bad either.

The Space Needle and Seattle Center did not host their traditional New Year celebration this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead, like many groups this year, they turned around. Terry Morgan, CEO and owner of Modern Enterprises in Seattle, helped put together a special video production that replaced fireworks with graphics.

It uses digital mapping technology with a twist, as low images are laid over the real video of the needle, which is pre-shot from various camera angles.

The reaction was mixed after the show aired on TV and aired online. Some YouTube users have left comments like ‘mindblowing’ and ‘this is stunning!’ Others on Twitter said “it just did not have the same effect” and “lame.”

Regardless, it’s definitely impressive creative work and offers a reasonable alternative to the ‘right thing’. Watching the virtual show in the comfort of your own home is not a bad option.

Morgan has partnered with Maxin10sity from Budapest, Hungary, with whom he collaborated on another unique art and light show in Seattle in 2018 called “Borealis.”

The Needle has added a few technological torches over the last few years that are just fireworks. In 2018, a choreographed light show was added to shoot powerful rays of light into the night sky.

Check out the 2021 series above and read more about the production here.
