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The Microsoft Flight Simulator video game series probably got an F-15 Eagle fighter add-on this month after a third-party developers decided to work on introducing it to the platform.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator, also known as MSFS or FS, is a series of amateur flight simulator programs for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The range is an early product in the Microsoft application portfolio and is one of the longest running, best known and one of the most comprehensive flight simulators currently available in the market.

According to reports, the add-on feature, developed by DC Designs, may already be available on January 18th.

According to reports, the F-18 add-on will come with four variants of the American-made fourth-generation fighter aircraft – F-15C (air superiority), F-15 D (combat trailer), F-15 E (Strike Eagle), and F-15 I (a variant used by the Israeli army).

While virtual pilots in the game will be able to pick and load weapons, it remains unclear whether the pilots will have access to fire the guns or release other types of payloads.

File: F-15 by MAKS-2011 airshow.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

An F-15 fighter jet

The F-15 Eagle was developed under the American aviation giant McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) and is an everyday tactical fighter designed in 1967 to meet the US Air Force’s need for a dedicated air force fighter.

The fighter is armed with air-to-air missiles that can be launched from outside the visual range and has the air-to-ground capability to penetrate enemy air and ground defense to deliver up to 24,000lb of precision ammunition.

“The F-15 is an affordable, low-risk solution that maintains capacity and adds capability to the U.S. Air Force while maintaining the Air Superiority and Homeland Defense missions,” reads a statement issued by Boeing has been released.

“The F-15 of today offers the next generation of technologies, including an advanced cabin, AESA radar, digital electronic warfare, the world’s fastest mission computer and modern sensors to detect current and evolving threats. “With more speed, more range and more payload, the unbeaten F-15 is ready to go today,” he said.

While the fighter can reach a top speed of Mach 2.5 (about 2,000 km / h), DC Designs mentioned that the Microsoft Flight Simulator currently has a barrier to prevent virtual pilots from reaching the speed in the game.

According to sources, however, once the barrier is removed, users will have no problem reaching the speeds on the fighter jet.

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