Washington DC: Los Simspon goes viral on protests in United States – People – Culture

The move to the Washington Capitol, in the United States, took place this year on January 6 by Donald Trump’s partisans who refused to accept Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election., is a historical and surprising chapter.

This is part of this unfortunate event, passed in the middle of the contents of the votes of the electoral colleges by the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives of the United States, was shown in a chapter of the exit series ‘Los Simpson’.

(She also: Actresses from Los Simpsons explains the program ‘Predict the Future’).

Many know the capabilities of Matt Groening’s series to cover all types of disasters and events.

Lo hizo con the coronavirus pandemic of 2019, the ‘Fox’ purchase by Disney, the victory of the magnate Donald Trump in the presidency of the United States, the final of ‘Game of Thrones’, the plague of assassins, the legalization of the marijuana in Canada, the whitewashed houses of Casa Blanca, the asalto in Area 51, between many other things.

(If we read from the vea app here the trine that shows the hilo of the predictions that he hecho ‘Los Simpsons’).

Now the prediction is also being fulfilled for the violence attacking the Capitol, the cave has been shown since the March March 1996 series.

In the 18th chapter of the temporary period, entitled ‘The day that mourns the violence’, there is a moment in concrete that guards similar inquisitiveness with the images of the ascent to the seat of the State Congress. The video went viral and was leaked worldwide.

(You may be interested: ‘Los Simpson’ will run a marathon of its most famous ‘predictions’).

The SimpsonsEpisode 18 of the timed sequel to ‘The Simpsons’.

Capitolio Washington Los Simpsons

Hecho no es la unica vez que ‘Los Simpson’ han showrado un ataque al Capitolio, ya que in one more recent episode, the Washington edition was shown in llamas.

This coincidence has driven the memes that ensalzan, with aggression and irony, the presumta capacity of the amarilla family to increase the future.

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the trio about the prediction of ‘The Simpsons’).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the trio about the prediction of ‘The Simpsons’).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the trio about the prediction of ‘The Simpsons’).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the trio about the prediction of ‘The Simpsons’).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the trio about the prediction of ‘The Simpsons’).

Significantly an esto, another chapter that he mentioned in this year’s 6 is titled ‘The Horror House 31’, belongs to the time 32.

In another episode, the United States elections will take place on November 3rd. What he called the attention of Internet users was that Springfield, living in the city of Simpson, was on fire and the world was collapsing in an enormous period of time.

The date of the scenes is the 20th of January of 2021, the day of the election of President Joe Biden.

Social media users shared the images, hoping that the apocalyptic scenario presented by the famous series would not materialize.

(Le recomendamos leer: Diez episodios navideños que han hecho historia en ‘Los Simpson’).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here a video about this chapter).

It is now known that four people fell in the protests and 52 other arrests were made by the Washington Metropolitan Police.

Madrugada de este jueves 7 de enero the United States Congregation officially announced Joe Biden’s electoral victory, ratifying his paper as president of the White House.

(Siga leyendo: The episodes in Colombia were part of ‘Los Simpson’).

Tendencies EL TIEMPO
Information from El Universal (Mexico) – GDA *
