Washington announces National Guard ante protest ‘salvation’ for Trump

Washington, United States.

The authorities of Washington activate at least 340 soldados of the National Guard for protector to the capital of United States adoes not have a manifestation convened for these markets by Donald Trump’s parties that the salient president has described as “salvaje”.

The groups of organizers have calculated that one 15,000 people say congregations in the center of the city when the Congress reunites to certify the votes of the Electoral College, which dieron al Democrat Joe Biden the victory in the November elections.

La alcaldesa capitalina, Muriel Bowser, dijo at a press conference that will weigh the possibility of decree a toque de queda, and the Metropolitan Police Officer, Robert Contee, made sure he received information about individuals entering the District of Columbia with armas.

Contee annadio that the authorities hope a multitude of mayors that the previews demonstrate to in favor of Trump in the city, which ends in violent encounters.

Proud Boys lead a salvage protest

Trump, who has fought and lost in the courts his querellas for supuesto deceitful in las elections of November 3, ha presionado a la autoridad elections de Georgia in order to “find” the necessary votes in favor of nieguen el triunfo de Biden in this state.

In a message on his Twitter account, Trump has insisted that “it is statistically impossible” that she lost the elections of November 3, and was referred to the concentration in Washington.

“Great protest in DC the 6th of January. ¡Estén presents, will be saved!“, wrote the end of the week.

Different factions than his disappoint a Trump presents itself as organizers of the market in capital and one of them, March for Trump, has summoned its followers indicating that “it touches the citizenship stadium” hinders el fraud elections.

The Department of Justice and the electoral authorities of the states -including those who have a Republican government- have indicated that there is no evidence of a generalized electoral fraud and have reconciled the results that dieron a Biden more than 80 million votes front to one 74 million Trump votes.

“Together with the President Trump we will ask what we need to guarantee the integrity of this election for the good of the nation “, states the group on its web page.

Prohibit the arms

For its part, Million MAGA March, which was proclaimed as the official organizer of the demonstration, invited its supporters to “take part in the mayor’s political act of Trump in the history of United States, with a Twitter message accompanied by symbols with the country banner, signs of admiration and an explosion.

También han prometido su participation milicias como Three percent, proud boys and oath-takers which is moving caravans with stances in various cities of all the countries in their march Washington DC, donde tendrán forbidden to carry arms de fuego, cono han hecho en otras demostraciones.

The group TheDonaldWin, down on the internet portal, there is an invitation to the participants “traigan sus armas” y, in preparation for the jornada, the authorities and colocado cartels in the areas where the event recording the arms ban de fuego en la capital of the United States.

“The members of the public who are involved in the demonstrations are the ones who take part in the demonstrations. ley del Distrito “Prohibit the port of a fugitive army within 300 meters of any political activity”, signaled the alcaldesa Muriel Bowser en a statement.

Bowser added that “both the federal and illegal military positions are open in the Capitol’s and in the areas of the National Service of Parks, such as Freedom Plaza, the Elipse and the National Mall”.

Miles of sympathizers of Trump parade in Washington DC a mediados de december, many of them with combat clothing, and to anochecer al menu cuatro persona fueron apuñaladas cerca de un bar que se convertid en sitio de reunion del group Proud boys.

‘It’s a moment of great help’, declares a local television host Susnara Taylor, spokesperson for the group refusefascism.org. “It’s so much for the intermediate security of the people in the calls like, aún más, for the future “.

Vea: Biden and Trump travel to Georgia in battle over EU Senate

‘We care a lot about them violent protesters que vienen a la ciudad “, agregó.” The last time I found out I was attacking the innocent Peatones. This is white terrorism and white supremacy, Donald Trump repeated times he has praised and summoned to this people to inunden the calls “.

Enrique Tarrio, leader of Proud boys, an announcement in a statement on the platform of social speeches Parler, that the members of his group assist in the demonstrations the miracles “with a difference”.

“The Proud Boys will be calling the number without precedents, but this has a difference -explained-. We will not use ours traditional black and yellow uniform. We will be incognito and we will be scattered all over the center of Washington DC in more beautiful platoons “, dijo. EFE
