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The revamped London Royal Ravens series for 2021 features many of Europe’s best players, but will they be able to outperform the world’s best teams in one of the most competitive years in Call of Duty history?

With the same approach from 2020, the Royal Ravens have remained true to their fanbase. Instead of grabbing North American superstars or announcing intentions of the Challengers scene, the London franchise has recruited another full EU series.

For fans of last year’s team, there are again a number of familiar faces. After a somewhat form at the end of the year, with a fourth place finish at Champs, the core of the roster wants to build momentum in 2021.

While it’s easy to overlook them at first, the Ravens can be a tougher match for even the best teams as the next CDL season goes on.

London Royal Ravens CDL 2021 light

Player Previous team
Alex ‘Alexx‘Carpenter Minnesota ROKKR
Trei ‘Zer0‘Morris
Sean ‘SeanyO’Connor
Marcus’Afro‘Reid House Tarth (EU challengers)

Europe’s chance to overthrow the world’s best teams

During 2020, the Ravens roster was constantly in motion. While twins Bradley ‘wuskin’ Marshall and Matthew ‘Skrapz’ Marshall did not miss a week, the remaining spots have been around for much of the year. Of course, it is difficult to build on a foundation when pieces are shaken.

However, when Dylan, Seany and Zer0 joined the mix, they were soon locked up for the rest of the season. After these three joined the fight together, they were able to kneel and improve over time. This paved the way for a beautiful Champs run that exceeded all expectations.

Now they have the chance to build on this late improvement and capitalize on it with a full year of growth.

The team supporting this time is Alexx, another experienced European. On the whole, Alexx has been with the Minnesota ROKKR for a year now, a team that started strong but dropped over the course of the year.

Together, this group of players has every chance of being one of the strongest teams the region has ever hosted. They all have years of experience behind them and know what it takes to hang out with the very best in the world.

That said, the Ravens definitely had a rocky start in the Kickoff Classic. They fell short in a fierce battle with Paris Legion that went to the end. Despite dominating the Control game mode with a 3-0 win, they took in both Hardpoints and did not find their groove in the final S&D.

It is important to note that virtually every CDL player with the league has moved to the United States again in 2021 to compete. Unfortunately for the Ravens, this opening display went down while Zer0 was still playing from the UK.

There is no knowing if he will be able to move in time for the actual season, but he still has his own hold, even with a major ping disadvantage.

By 2021, the Ravens will not be an easy year. Their work is cut out to defy expectations. If they hope to be among the top teams at a particular major, they will need a hell of a run.

But they are the only real team that has the chance to put a non-NA franchise well on the map. It is a safe bet that this EU group will remain competitive against the very best and will sometimes lead to some upheaval as 2021 gets underway.
