Warriors ‘Steph Curry to Trump on Capitol riot:’ Cat got your tongue? ‘

Hours after a crowd stormed the U.S. Capitol building to delay the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, President Donald Trump still did not condemn the riots.

Trump has in the past been quick to condemn both riots and peaceful protests, especially in cases where police violence and racism were the target.

Warriors star Steph Curry, who has never been one to invent words about Trump, has found an example of the president who shows he is capable of condemning riots – if the conditions are right.

“There’s literally a tweet for everything. Cat got your tongue today? ‘Curry wrote and quoted a message from Trump this summer suggesting a minimum of ten years’ imprisonment should be proposed for protesters damaging federal buildings.

Some rioters at the Capitol smashed windows to get inside the building, and reports indicate more damage was done after the mob stormed the corridors and both chambers of Congress, forcing elected officials and staff to to evacuate.

49ers cornerback Richard Sherman wondered aloud how the police would have treated crowds of rioters entering the Capitol building if the rioters were black.

‘There are certain things my brain could never imagine …. and one of them is black people storming a government building and taking things without fatal consequences. But it’s just my brain, “he said. tweeted.

In a separate pos, Sherman referred to the mob as ‘terrorists’, who described those who branded the Capitol as an act of domestic terrorism.

Klay Thompson and Steve Kerr made others speak, and again criticized posts in which the president and interrogation the intelligence of the rioters. Kerr shared a report by sports commentator Jemele Hill, who like Sherman pointed to the race of the rioters as a reason for the lack of immediate significant police backlash.

“Let’s just be clear about something: The reason Capitol police are slow to respond is because they give these white people the doubt and treat it like a joke,” Hill said. wrote. “Their response is not the same because they see black people as a threat that needs to be eliminated.”
