War medicine at the UCI of Rosell: “We will not see the end of this pesadilla”

CARTAGENA. Work with a nudo in the stomach continuous form cases are not sobrellevar easy. La tension, el desaliento, la frustration, las prisasmaldita fiebre que no baja, las interminables prono maneuvers, la compensation, sabor amargo que martillea la cabeza por no poder atender más tima a este patient, la carrera contrarreloj desde primer segundo que entras a la UCI, ese unsoportable sonido del busca que te te deja tomar aliento, la cara de miedo del patient, the hour of decirle that hay that intubarlo, la llamada a la familia… y, in the most grafted cases, el election.

Go to bed, breathe, breathe and do not have to think, now with the bay that produces an intensive guard, which is only one day, another day in this maldita battle against coronavirus, of which nadie sabía nada hace menos de un ano y que ha cambiado para siempre auxiliaries, nurses and hospital nursess.

The figures are disappointing, the UCI is about to collapse and the list of failures at bay. We always have less empathy the date of infection, hospitalized, ingresados in the UCI y valecidos, as if they were treated by one more number in another day more of this interminable, ingobernable and inabarable plague.

To what the combatants do not have the time to see, analyze and interpret. Su día a día it is a parallel reality, an unequivocally connected world of ours, in the que la vida, las miles de vidas, se juegan en a delicate party of ajedrez, where every piece, every move, every decision and every strategy counts; nada puede dejarse al libre albedrío, y no siempre se gana.

María Galindo has been intensive since 18 years. Worked in the UCI de La Arrixaca y del Santa Lucía, because there are so many years of experience in intensive care, what has been done in this few months of one year is not comparable to anything. Recognize that his day and day is difficult to explain, “agotador” the accumulated tension level is alarming, so many times as the frustration of not being able to read and wait all the time.

This week he worked on the Rosell, at the UCI habilitada por el each more recent number of cases. “The number of patients we have in intensive care is every day and we have external guards” related to the intensifier for Murcia Plaza. Hasta el pointo is as well as having structurally overridden the UCI.

Tienen tanto a Rosell como en Santa Lucía un limitado (parece una obviedad, pero algunos ne se han dada cunt aún) camas number (16 in el Rosell in 27 in Santa Lucía), per the assistance request for the theme of nurses covid ha hecho que haya que habilitar zona del hospital para atender critical patients donde nunca antes lo ha habido. Of this form, “it is very complicated that day and day as the guard of the guard”, subtracts Mary. They put a lot of pressure on the intensive care unit, with a volume of work that incorporates the pathologies of this pathology very high when the grave is committed to ingrained in the UCI, “apostille.

Recognize that what has been living since haze dies months in the imaginary hobby “ni en la peor de mis pesadillas. If I had to say one year ago I would not give credit. Between us we know what this is ‘war medicine’. We need to learn to work in another way. Critical illness requires brutal meticulousness. A single patient can take hours on a guard, but the assistance pressure that we sometimes get us is also required to work in another form, to the destination, algo con lo que nos sentimos nada comodos “. Les genera un” malestar tremendo “, “Tens the nerves can not dedicate a time more than necessary to the woman who needs it”.

If he has a day to pursue a final career, think about what he does, with figures of infections and deaths that are horrible, impossible and nothing to worry about. Prefieren hacerlo todo a corto plazo “para ne venirte abajo, porque no vemos muy claro el finale. Intentamos de sobrevivir a esto mirando el minute a minute”.

“Es muy desalentador”, resells “And we are looking for the manner of sobrellevarlo. Each day I derrumbo various times and I recompose other aunts. The guardians of his guard are complying. They are abattoirs, when they go to the house to enter the physical bay, but the enemy is not bad. The team work (nurses, auxiliaries, intensivists) is fundamental for not coming down. Hooi que remolkar al que est peor en ese momento “.

Explains to the intensifier that when a sick person is at the UCI with a serious neonium, his treatment is perpetuated; the pathology is so serious that the best is very slow, because you can draw in the UCI a month and a half or two months. “Geen hemos llegado en notarie bajón entre olas”, dice. The UCI will not be able to recover from the incidents in July and will not be released. When you see the elevation incidence of the new oil, nee het llegado a dar elta a los de la anterior“because we have a maintenance workload many months ago”.

Fatiga, aislamiento y miedo

Loose patients are very hospitalized. Burden cares of his evident because of his conscience of his empire. Llegan con fatiga y les ponen una mascarilla y luego otra con el oxygen enriquecido. More late, appear the intensivist and the dice that van to submit to the UCI. “Tienen mucho miedo porque ven un progression a peor de la enfermedad. Además, if the continuous continuation and tenemos that explain the intubation, the normal is that it avoids the paralysis: asient con la cabeza y poco más “, added María Galindo.

The patients went to the UCI in case of respiratory failure. It’s a nurse she has a respiratory fracture situation with a severe fall of air. The oxygen in the blood decreases and is reduced. “We are in love with those who never allow themselves to be compensated. Because we have to make one prono maneuver (ponerlos boca abajo, que es una form of work with the part of the back of the pulmon, which suele increase the oxygenation). This maneuver is complex because the disease is sedated with tubes, vials, probes, etc …, which requires a team of different people and extending the precautions. I’m sorry to ask if you like it “.

Pero tan mal pas pas ellos en la cama intubados como las “Angustia confessed to be brutal, because no visitors can be a sensation aaklig. “Intemperance and anguish are trembling for them: the great pain that we have is the solitude of the patient here and the family at home”.

This pathology requires one of the criteria of Islam, which impede que a doctor and patient can have a search has a serious situation like the one we live in. It is not a box of open doors, it requires protection and Islamic means and, by all means “we are going to wait for what we want”. The patient receives aliento, but is not accompanied by continuous manner “which is what is necessary. It’s an emotional support if it is short “. Use it, by itself, for antiseptic medication, to favor the sueño.

Massive contact is equal to elevated mortality. Superior percentages in the first hour. In any case, it is a pathology that results in “very immoralizing, because in spite of all our worries, that in their brutal times, the patient comes to the man and that the progress of refractory form to all the media. If we do not have the work habits, we will have the opposite examples and son of those who do not have the strength to pull the towel again “, explains the specialist

Review again the profile of the nurse ha ido cambiando con el paso de los meses, is much more young, de will have six years, con edades que acompañan porque no tienen pathologías de base y “que no tiran la toalla nunca”.

The angle with the patient is the other compensation

The diary routine is complete visit from the fire. Trays, gaffs, gloves, mascarillas, more trays, disinfection, gel. Every day and every hour you have to be alert to avoid the possible contact with the patient. This huge handicap complicates algo tan primordial as the direct course with the nurse. If prices and countermeasures are met, contact with the patient is always easy. However, with the most extensive, it is possible to obtain a mayoral level. “También con sus familias” double Mary. “Además, his patients with those who have played so many and so many days, that he marks more. The intubation is implied, we have one more in the world. When entering to talk to the patient patient, his last moments as well, to connect with him instantly, palpate his desire and his intentions to animate. Ese instante te liga al enfermo de una manera spesiaal. Luego ellos, cuando ya están en casa, te mandan fotos o te hacen llegar algo al hospital; so there is no precedent, it is the best compensation “.

Mary originated as should not be surprised by the level of unconsciousness observed in some cases only in the cold. Dice that is as surprised as a cabreada. “Is a behavior derived from the lack of information. When I was looking for something I was asked to stay, the story that we do not know the reality that we live in hospitals. It’s the only way you can explain your lack of prudence. Sanitary resources are finite and can be read at this point where respirators, medication, etc are needed… The statistics and the form of calculating determined ratios are poorly interpreted, his contextual data hacen que a la population le de tranquilidad, cuando, por el contrario tenemos las UCI saturadas. These are indications of a false sense of tranquility “.

Maria drives the phone through the media to talk. Over 20 hours of guard duty, a routine for her and her companions, physicians, nurses and nurses and assistants, an authentic calvario for each. Remember that it is part of his job, that if there are things that are irritating, there is no time to lose time in their fruitful debate.
