Want to see a look at Uranus? It will be very easy tonight – BGR

  • Uranus is not the easiest planet to spot in the night sky, and most of the time we can not see it at all, but tonight it will be a little easier to spot the distant, icy world.
  • NASA says that Uranus will be in the night sky near Mars, and if you have something like a nice pair of binoculars or, better yet, a telescope, you should be able to see it.
  • The planet, which is light blue and white, will look small at such a distance, but it is actually almost 15 times more massive than Earth.

When you look at the night sky, you see many stars, but can you choose planets when you see them? Sometimes it is possible to spot people like Jupiter and Mars without a telescope, but people with ‘average’ eyes cannot differ much. Tonight, however, you can see a glimpse of Uranus, and all you need is a decent pair of binoculars.

Uranus large, blue and smelly. It is also one of the most interesting planets in our system, and we do not often have guide posts in the sky to see it. This time, Uranus will appear in the sky near Mars, making it easier to spot, especially if you have the hardware to zoom in a little closer.

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Tonight Uranus appears in the sky between our own moon and Mars. It will be tiny and very faint, but it will be there, shining light blue and just waiting for someone to come looking in search of life.

“The distant, outer planet Uranus is too faint for most of us to see with the naked eye, and it can be difficult to detect in the air without a computer-guided telescope,” NASA explains in its weekly aerial viewing tips . “But Uranus may now be located between the Moon and Mars.”

Uranus is strange and special for various reasons. It is very cold, which is not particularly unusual, but the planet rotates at an angle of 90 degrees compared to the rest of the planets in our system. The theory is that something largely struck Uranus a long time ago, causing it to shift and eventually turn at an angle that does not correspond to its own orbit around the sun.

In addition, scientists have been important to the moon of the planet for some time, mainly because it is thought to be covered with ice that can hide liquid water beneath it. If that’s the case, those moons can house life in some form, but we will not know until we have examined it.

Either way, Uranus will be in the air tonight, and if you have binoculars or a telescope, you can see it well. Suppose the weather naturally works together.

Mike Wehner has been reporting on technology and video games for the past decade, discussing news and trends in VR, portable, smartphones and future technology. Mike was recently technical editor at The Daily Dot and has been featured in USA Today, Time.com and numerous other web and print stores. His love of reporting is second only to his game addiction.
