WandaVision star Elizabeth Olsen unveils new superpowers for Scarlet Witch

WandaVision star Elizabeth Olsen unveils her new superpowers as Scarlet Witch. It’s no secret that the character is due to a bit of reinforcement in the Disney + series. A new interview in TV Guide Magazine let the actress spill over some of the comics that come to the fore WandaVision. Her reality-bending forces were fully visible during the trailers that Marvel has dropped so far. But, as some fans have noted, things in the series look even more like magic. From subtle allusions to Betower, to use straight magic to perform other tasks, it’s actually everywhere in the series. Olsen teased Vision during the act WandaVision both literally and figuratively. Some teasers have tried to get him a job, and maybe Wanda can help. The series sounds like it’s going to be a pleasure.

Olsen told the publication: ‘She is a wizard-assistant who helps [Vision] but do all the tricks for him and not let the audience know. ”

The star of the series also teased her new superhero outfit in a conversation with Elle. The WandaVision snapshots have left a trail for fans to analyze and people are excited.

“It just would not be a splitting corset,” Olsen explained. ‘I like corsets, but I would like them to be taller. Everyone has these things covered – Tessa Thompson does Scarlett. I would like to cover up. ‘a little. “It’s funny because I look around sometimes and just like – wow, I’m the only one who has a gap, and it’s a constant joke because they did not really develop my superhero costume that much,” Olsen said. “But then do you see where it started in the comics and it was a jersey and a headband so … oh, it’s awful, it’s so awful. At least they know it’s not cool. “

Read the official description for WandaVision under:

Welcome to WandaVision. Coming soon to Disney +. Marvel Studios’ captivating new series “WandaVision” plays Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, and is the first series of Marvel Studios to be broadcast exclusively on Disney +. The series is a blend of classic television and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff and Vision – two super-powered creatures living idealized suburban lives – begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems. ‘

WandaVision opens the curtain on Disney + on January 15, 2021.

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