WandaVision Mephisto Red Herring is news for author Jac Schaeffer – / Film

wandavision mephisto

“Who is Mephisto?” “When will Mephisto appear?” “Is this character / rabbit / forest actually Mephisto?” These were just some of the sounding (and annoying) attachment theories that have been bouncing around on the internet for some time. WandaVision broadcast, even though there was no indication that the Marvel supervillain would appear. It was an idea that fans built up in their heads as WandaVision on the way to his (Mephisto-less) conclusion, but one that did not even reach author and executive producer Jac Schaeffer, who revealed that she had not even heard of the character until the press tour came, and everyone suddenly asked her about Mephisto.

Adherents of theories were a prejudice, though some may say, blessing WandaVisions existence. In some cases, the creators of the Disney + series fan theories moaned or entertained, but a couple actually had no influence on what was in the show itself. One was the alleged “tips” for Mephisto, a devil lord who would regularly clash with Wanda Maximoff in the comics, and a character with whom Schaeffer was not known to the press, Schaeffer told Mashable.

“There was never a conscious intention on my part to create any Mephisto red herrings because I did not know who Mephisto was before I started doing purple,” Schaeffer said in an interview following the finale. season.

Many fans testified that Mephisto was the real Big Bad behind the events of WandaVisionbecause of the history of Wanda Maximoff in the previous comics, especially in series The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, from which WandaVision drew inspiration. Throughout the series, references to “the devil” were sprinkled, which fans saw as hints that Mephisto would appear, or the secret identity of one of the many supporting characters. But it was all just coincidences, Schaeffer said:

‘Why have we talked so much about the devil? It really is a coincidence. He was never part of our storytelling conversations. We were very clear that the big bad grief is. And then Agatha is the outward evil. So as a viewer and as a lover of the show and the characters, I wanted nothing more than that. ”

While the devil may be the details, it is clear that fan speculation should not be. Even theories that eventually turned out to be correct – such as Agnes’ true identity as the program’s Big Bad Agatha Harkness – were slightly shaky, as it was recently revealed that Schaeffer and co. only later in the game decided to make Agatha the ‘external’ villain. The only constant – in the show and in real life – is sadness and how we move from it. And that’s all we have to get away with WandaVision.

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