Wanchope Abila, destroyed by the death of ‘Morro’ Garcia: ” I hiciste me *** with this decision ” – Diez

Luego de confirmmarse esta manana el suicidio del uruguayo Santiago ‘Morro’ Garcia, the delantero Ramón Ábila expressed his sadness and descent in social speeches. Wanchope lived a similar episode when he passed one of his family members to the fatal decision to quit living for a depression.

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The ariete of Boca Juniors leave your admiration and respect by Garcia, and will ensure that it always keeps the wounds stored in the compartment in its mind.

It was cruel to say that we did not score a goal, but the party ended and we changed our tights without importing the result. Mutual respect and much admiration. Morro queried me hiciste mierda con esta decisión, pero solo deseo que sea tu paz ”, arancó diciendo elta xeneize, demostrando su debilidad por el charrúa.

Wanchope followed by a critique of those friends of Garcia which does not accompany it in the most difficult moments. ” Fuerza has this guy who wants to be human, to the other only the importers and the generos diners, the photo of the moment or the cracks of the dead are all for presumption in the social speeches ”, said the Argentine.

And I went with one: ” Se olvidaron de Santiago, perdón fenómeno. Abrazo grande al cielo y me quedarán par siempre tus recuerdos ”.

The death of his brother

The fall of ‘Morro’, which will attract a psychiatric treatment, according to the local press, golpeo a Whanchope Abila for the tragedy known that debió will come to pass this year. The proposal for revelation reveals fines from the past moment at the time of the suicide of his neighbor Gastón.

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” Vengo golpeado hace varios meses. The pandemic caused me to cry (in reality on my brother). Tuve la mala suerte de que se quitara la vida en mi casa door un de depression de nunca aviso y que le pasa a lota gente ”, expresses the judge, in order to make a reflex. I would like to send the message to people who are willing to help, because there are people who are sure to want to help and to have the need to help and to pay attention. Because it has no idea the sadness that there is a day for the other to receive the gift of what herman has given the life in your own house ”.
