Walter Mondale, Vice President Jimmy Carter, dies in 93 years

(CNN) – Walter “Fritz” Mondale, who resigned as vice president during Jimmy Carter’s administration and ran for president in 1984, was killed in the 93-year-olds’ death by Kathy Tunheim.

Global bankruptcy in his home in the Minneapolis center of his family, Dijo Tunheim.

World nation in 1928 in the south of Minnesota, under the direction of a Methodist minister and a music professor. The former Democratic president runs a social justice firm. When graduating from the Faculty of Law of the University of Minnesota, he was deeply involved in the Democratic Party Labor Party, the Minnesota Democratic Party.

It also began as the state’s fiscal system since 1960. It was named after the United States Senate to occupy the vacancy that vacant Hubert Humphrey, who was elected Vice President of Lyndon Johnson. World representative in Minnesota and Senado from 1964 to 1976, when he launched Carter’s formula company.

Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale during the 1980 Democratic National Convention in New York’s Madison Square Garden.

Mondale saw Carter’s number between 1977 and 1981. His stage as vice president came to an end when Ronald Reagan and his formula partner, George HW Bush, derrotaron to Carter and Mondale in 1980. The Democrats did not recover from this derot. In 1992, Bill Clinton ayudó al partido a restoration of the la Casa Blanca.

In every way, Walter Mondale won the Democratic presidential candidacy in 1984 and had a history of naming a woman, Geraldine A. Ferraro of New York, as his formula partner, before losing to Reagan.

Posteriorment, Global envoy of United States in Japan and sent to Indonesia during Clinton’s Governorate.

The last years of Walter “Fritz” Mondale’s career

His last candidacy was in 2002, when he was released in the Minnesota Senate, to occupy the post of Senator Paul Wellstone, who had failed shortly before the October elections this year. Republican Norm Coleman has been charged in connection with the shooting.

“The power has changed the pace of maneuvering and tenemos the bending of its status when it is safe”, dijo in 2002 tras su derrota elections. “Mantuvimos la fe, mantuvimos el rumbo, luchamos la buena batalla, y cada uno de nosotros debería sentirse bien por ello”.

Through the derrota, I wanted to own the abogacía ya dar classes at the University of Minnesota.

Walter Mondale has raised some important health issues in recent years. In 2014, the company launched an exit coronation operation in its native Minnesota state. After that he was admitted to the hospital with a seizure.

His wife, Joan Mondale, went bankrupt in 2014.

Wolf Blitzer de CNN contributes important information.
