Walter Mercado: January 20 Horoscopes

Enter what you want the destination to be January 20, 2021 with the best of horoscope de Walter Mercado, check the predictions of your day, your number of grief and start the day with the right fortune for you, here in La Verdad News!


There is now a complete transformation in the way of thinking. There will be more madness and conscience of your failures or defects. You can correct that which affects you or your limit or alarm. On the sentimental level, the love that pervades this time dies.

Suortos numbers: 22, 5, 36.


Use a lograrla without creating an important file. Projecta always security in all that hagas or digas. No dudes of your multiple abilities or talents. Tendrás ante ti now new opportunities to triunfar and destacarte, approve to the maximum, Tauro.

Suortos numbers: 38, 5, 14.


Geen permits that the conflicts that you have created, be an obstacle to obtaining the peace or mental peace as spiritual as necessary. Limpia tu vid de negatividades y pensamientos derrotistas. Learn to define what really matters of life.

Suortos numbers: 14, 36, 31.


No juzgues el presente by el pasado. Llena tu alma de amor y alegría y todo se te dará facilmente. Ten fe in the milagros and the veras will realize one by one in your life. Dominance is such an exaggerated susceptibility that it is easy to do hieran, and it is difficult that olvides and forgives.

Sort numbers: 2, 50, 4.


Lee, study, travel. Rodéate of those things that nourish your mind and your spirit. It directly affects the meta that it traces and logs its money. Concentrate on those who have no vacancies to continue studying or starting new ones. Higher in life, you can.

Suortos numbers: 17, 34, 29.


You will be satisfied with what you have just learned in your life. Recognize that each day offers a new opportunity for triumph, as it is approved to the maximum. You are light and divine energy, connected to the Divinity and allow your light to flow.

Suortos numbers: 6, 3, 21.


Visualize what you want and can do right away. It now has the power to transform the negative into the positive. We will pay attention to the attention. Dinero y amor no te faltarán. You have a lot of positive energy and you have to go through what you need to get the most out of it.

Suortos numbers: 9, 4, 15.


It is important that you design the most tolerant and compelling seas for those people. No changes or increases of tonterias. Dale priority to the family and your work. Do not get into trouble with other people and you will be the one to overcome the consequences.

Sort numbers: 8, 44, 3.


The horoscope tells you to take care of your health. If you are very careful with everything you do. Avoid overdoing it with what is referred to your diet. His actions hablarán hoy more than his words. There are many things that will serve as examples and will be good for you too.

Suortos numbers: 10, 17, 2.


Be sincere with the demos and count differently. No te dejes vencer por la pena o el “hay bendito”. Feelings about a person who finds out more about you intensify. Tendraas that enfrentarte to realities that has been evadiendo and end with a chapter in your life to start another.

Suortos numbers: 5, 21, 39.


The success of the event is that it leads to a few more superheroes. Do not say that you are lying about the meta, and I will very soon start to see the fruit of your efforts. Open your mind and your courage to all that is for your personal well-being. Starting the day as comfortingly as it is.

Suortos numbers: 25, 18, 45.

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Quídate de chantos y de hechizos en lo relacionado al amor, Piscis. Mantente in the reality of the present moment. No need to be fooled by appearances. Mira más allá de una cara o stuche bonito. Study, analyze, tame your time and value the most spiritual in every person.

Sort numbers: 41, 26, 11.

Note to the readers: Betty B. Mercado, author and collaborator of the failed astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy of writing the horoscopes.

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